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Freshwater Biology ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-11 , DOI: 10.1111/fwb.13698

In the published article, “Can dispersal buffer against salinity‐driven zooplankton community change in Great Plains' lakes?” by Huynh and Gray (2019), the order of text in the first column of Table 3 is incorrect. The correct order is “Passive” (first row) and then “Active” (second row) as shown in the table below. The text results and the rest of the table are correct.

TABLE 3. Results of permutational analysis of variance (PERMANOVA)
Dispersal type Source df Sum of squares Mean square F R 2 p‐value
Passive Salinity 3 0.705 0.235 2.380 .472 .042
Residuals 8 0.790 0.099 .528
Total 11 1.496 1
Active Salinity 3 0.288 0.096 0.466 .149 .943
Residuals 8 1.647 0.206 .851
Total 11 1.934 1

The authors apologize for this error.



在发表的文章中,“大平原湖泊中盐分驱动的浮游动物群落的扩散缓冲能改变吗?” 由Huynh和Gray(2019)提出,表3第一栏中的文本顺序不正确。正确的顺序是“被动”(第一行),然后是“主动”(第二行),如下表所示。文本结果和该表的其余部分均正确。

分散型 来源 df 平方和 均方根 F R 2 p
被动的 盐度 3 0.705 0.235 2.380 .472 .042
残差 8 0.790 0.099 .528
全部的 11 1.496 1个
积极的 盐度 3 0.288 0.096 0.466 .149 .943
残差 8 1.647 0.206 .851
全部的 11 1.934 1个

