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The Anthropocene conjecture and Wilfrid Sellars’ scientific image: (another) prolegomenon to rethinking the human?
Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography ( IF 2.450 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-10 , DOI: 10.1080/04353684.2021.1891448
Carl Christian Olsson 1


Responding to ideas about ‘geologizing the social’ (Clark and Gunaratnam 2017 Clark, Nigel, and Yasmin Gunaratnam. 2017. “Earthing the Anthropos? From ‘Socializing the Anthropocene’ to Geologizing the Social.” Journal of Social Theory 20 (1): 146163. doi:10.1177/1368431016661337.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] , [Google Scholar]. “Earthing the Anthropos? From ‘Socializing the Anthropocene’ to Geologizing the Social.” Journal of Social Theory 20 (1): 146–163. doi:10.1177/1368431016661337), this conceptual paper reflects on the requirements for reconsidering the idea of the human in the Anthropocene context. It does so by parsing the Anthropocene conjecture taken as a predication of the Earth System through the analytic philosopher Wilfrid Sellars’ distinction between manifest and scientific images of ‘man in the world [sic]’ (2007. In the Space of Reasons: Selected Essays of Wilfrid Sellars, edited by Robert Brandom, and Kevin Scharp. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 384). From this perspective, the Anthropocene conjecture is an explanatory-descriptive postulate that affords an integrated role to aggregated human activities. The upshot is shown to be the possibility of making ‘ourselves’ accountable for the state of the Earth System by inhabiting this integrated self-conception, which is dependent on our ability to enrich it with a manifest-image language of individual intentions. In conclusion, the paper suggests that questioning the conditions of projects that seek to rearticulate what humanity means in the Anthropocene is a propaedeutic exercise for doing just that. For in order to think about ourselves on Earth, there is an attendant need to discuss thinking about thinking about ourselves on Earth.




回应有关“将社会地理化”的想法(Clark 和 Gunaratnam 2017 克拉克、奈杰尔亚斯敏·古纳拉特南2017 年。“将人类接地?从'社会化人类世'到地质化社会。” 社会理论杂志20 (1): 146163。doi:10.1177/1368431016661337[Crossref]、[Web of Science®]、 [Google Scholar]。“地球人类?从'社会化人类世'到地质化社会。” 社会理论杂志20 (1): 146–163。doi:10.1177/1368431016661337),这篇概念性论文反映了在人类世背景下重新考虑人类观念的要求。它通过分析哲学家威尔弗里德·塞拉斯 (Wilfrid Sellars) 对“世界上的人 [原文如此]”的显性图像和科学图像的区别(2007在理性空间:论文选集)中解析作为地球系统预测的人类世猜想来实现威尔弗里德·塞拉斯,由 Robert Brandom 和 Kevin Scharp 编辑。马萨诸塞州剑桥:哈佛大学出版社,384)。从这个角度来看,人类世猜想是一种解释性描述性假设,它为人类活动的聚合提供了综合作用。结果表明,通过居住在这种综合的自我概念中,有可能使“我们自己”对地球系统的状态负责,这取决于我们用个人意图的显性图像语言丰富它的能力。总而言之,该论文表明,质疑旨在重新阐明人类在人类世中的意义的项目的条件是实现这一目标的一种前卫练习。因为为了在地球上思考我们自己,有一个随之而来的需要讨论思考思考 关于地球上的我们。
