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Evaluation of Sorghum Emergence and Grain Yield Response to Seeding Density and Plant Spacing Attained Using the OSU Hand Planter
Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-10 , DOI: 10.1080/00103624.2021.1892734
Eva Nambi 1 , Lawrence Aula 1 , Fikayo B. Oyebiyi 1 , Elizabeth M. Eickhoff 1 , Peter Omara 1, 2 , Jonathan Carpenter 1 , William R. Raun 1


Plant spacing and density are important metrics in crop production because they impact the plant’s ability to utilize resources and attain full yield potential. Planting sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) in a more narrow spacing brings about phytochrome-mediated responses, where plants develop narrow leaves, long stems, fewer roots, and this is linked to competition that plants develop for nutrients like nitrogen (N). The Oklahoma State University hand planter (OSU-HP) can improve plant homogeneity and midseason placement of N. However, this crop production tool alongside other agronomic practices have not been adequately evaluated for improving sorghum grain yields. The objective of this work was to evaluate the response of sorghum to planting methods, the number of seeds per hole, within row spacing, and N rate. A randomized complete block design with 13 treatments replicated 3 times was used in this study. The treatments included different combinations of 3 planting methods (John Deere [JD], OSU-HP, and stick planter [check]), 3 within-row spacings (10, 30, and 60 cm), 3 different number of seeds per hole (1, 3, and 6) and 3 N rates (0, 30 and 60 kg ha−1). Average grain yield with 3 seeds per hole was at least 18% higher than the yield range of 0.7 to 4.6 Mg ha−1 achieved with 1 or 6 seeds per hole. This study demonstrated that the production of sorghum using sound agronomic practices could improve yield.


使用 OSU 手动播种机评估高粱出苗和谷物产量对播种密度和植物间距的响应


植物间距和密度是作物生产中的重要指标,因为它们会影响植物利用资源和充分发挥产量潜力的能力。种植高粱(双色高粱)(L.) Moench) 在更窄的间距中会产生光敏色素介导的反应,其中植物长出窄叶、长茎、少根,这与植物为氮 (N) 等营养物质发展的竞争有关。俄克拉荷马州立大学的手动播种机 (OSU-HP) 可以改善植物的同质性和季中氮的放置。然而,这种作物生产工具与其他农艺实践并没有得到充分评估,以提高高粱谷物产量。这项工作的目的是评估高粱对种植方法、每穴种子数、行距内和施氮量的反应。本研究采用随机完整区组设计,13 个处理重复 3 次。处理包括 3 种种植方法的不同组合(John Deere [JD]、OSU-HP 和棒式播种机 [check]),-1 )。每孔 3 粒种子的平均谷物产量比每孔 1 或 6 粒种子实现的 0.7 至 4.6 Mg ha -1的产量范围高至少 18% 。这项研究表明,使用良好的农艺做法生产高粱可以提高产量。
