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The Arctic Environmental Responsibility Index: A method to rank heterogenous extractive industry companies for governance purposes
Business Strategy and the Environment ( IF 13.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-09 , DOI: 10.1002/bse.2698
Indra Overland 1 , Anatoli Bourmistrov 2 , Brigt Dale 3 , Stephanie Irlbacher‐Fox 4 , Javlon Juraev 5 , Eduard Podgaiskii 6 , Florian Stammler 7, 8 , Stella Tsani 9 , Roman Vakulchuk 1 , Emma C. Wilson 8

The Arctic Environmental Responsibility Index (AERI) covers 120 oil, gas, and mining companies involved in resource extraction north of the Arctic Circle in Alaska, Canada, Greenland, Finland, Norway, Russia, and Sweden. It is based on an international expert perception survey among 173 members of the International Panel on Arctic Environmental Responsibility (IPAER), whose input is processed using segmented string relative ranking (SSRR) methodology. Equinor, Total, Aker BP, ConocoPhillips, and BP are seen as the most environmentally responsible companies, whereas Dalmorneftegeophysica, Zarubejneft, ERIELL, First Ore‐Mining Company, and Stroygaz Consulting are seen as the least environmentally responsible. Companies operating in Alaska have the highest average rank, whereas those operating in Russia have the lowest average rank. Larger companies tend to rank higher than smaller companies, state‐controlled companies rank higher than privately controlled companies, and oil and gas companies higher than mining companies. The creation of AERI demonstrates that SSRR is a low‐cost way to overcome the challenge of indexing environmental performance and contributing to environmental governance across disparate industrial sectors and states with divergent environmental standards and legal and political systems.



北极环境责任指数(AERI)涵盖了北极圈以北的阿拉斯加,加拿大,格陵兰,芬兰,挪威,俄罗斯和瑞典参与资源开采的120家石油,天然气和采矿公司。它基于对国际北极环境责任小组(IPAER)的173名成员的国际专家感知调查,该调查的输入使用分段字符串相对排名(SSRR)方法进行处理。Equinor,Total,Aker BP,ConocoPhillips和BP被认为是对环境负责的公司,而Dalmorneftegeophysica,Zarubejneft,ERIELL,First Ore-Mining Company和Stroygaz Consulting被认为是对环境负责的公司。在阿拉斯加运营的公司的平均排名最高,而在俄罗斯运营的公司的平均排名最低。大型公司的排名往往高于小型公司,国有控股公司的排名高于私人控股公司,石油和天然气公司的排名高于矿业公司。AERI的创建表明,SSRR是一种低成本的方法,可以克服对环境绩效进行索引并为具有不同环境标准以及法律和政治制度的不同工业部门和州的环境治理做出贡献的挑战。