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Violence Resembling Terrorism—From the First Responder Viewpoint
Journal of Applied Security Research Pub Date : 2021-03-09 , DOI: 10.1080/19361610.2021.1889895
Tero Ihatsu 1 , Soili Paananen 1 , Teija Sederholm 1


Terrorist attacks, school shootings, and other man-made incidents are demanding situations for first responders and society as a whole. Currently used concepts, like “active shooter” and “mass killing,” are typically created from the point of view of the perpetrator(s) or based on the incident site or the number of victims. In this paper, six police pretrial investigation records and four reports by the Investigation Commission are analyzed using inductive content analysis. The aim of the research is to determine attributes of violence resembling terrorism by approaching the subject from the position of first responders. Based on these attributes, the concept of violence resembling terrorism (VRT) is then created. VRT as a research unit produces essentially more empirical data, which is an advantage for research both on the academic level and in the more practical branches of security education.




恐怖袭击、学校枪击和其他人为事件对急救人员和整个社会来说都是严峻的形势。目前使用的概念,如“主动射手”和“大规模杀戮”,通常是从肇事者的角度或基于事件现场或受害者人数创建的。本文采用归纳内容分析法对六份警方审前调查记录和四份调查委员会报告进行了分析。该研究的目的是通过从第一响应者的位置接近主题来确定类似于恐怖主义的暴力的属性。基于这些属性,类似恐怖主义的暴力概念然后创建 (VRT)。VRT 作为一个研究单位,本质上产生了更多的经验数据,这对于学术层面和更实际的安全教育分支的研究都是一个优势。
