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High performance work systems and innovation in New Zealand SMEs: testing firm size and competitive environment effects
The International Journal of Human Resource Management ( IF 6.026 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-08 , DOI: 10.1080/09585192.2021.1894213
Jarrod Haar 1 , Conor O’Kane 2 , Urs Daellenbach 3


While the links between High Performance Work Systems (HPWS) and performance are established, we extend this literature by (1) focusing on new products/services innovation and (2) testing relationships on SMEs (up to 250 employees). Specifically, we test a path model whereby HPWS influences human capital and ultimately innovation. Furthermore, to better understand potential resource differences within SMEs of different size, and the business environment context operated in, we also test (3) firm size and (4) competitive rivalry as moderators. Combining these factors, we test moderated mediation models and use a sample of 253 SMEs with time-lagged data. Findings show HPWS are positively related to a firm’s human capital and innovation, and the direct effect of HPWS is partially mediated by human capital. Moderation effects highlight that firm size is most important, with larger SMEs outperforming smaller SMEs only when they have high HPWS. Greater competitive rivalry in conjunction with HPWS (2-way) and for larger SMEs (3-way) produces the highest levels of human capital. Finally, a moderated mediation effect is found for firm size, showing that the indirect effect of HPWS on innovation (through human capital) strengthens as SMEs get larger. The implications for HPWS and SME innovation are discussed.




虽然建立了高性能工作系统 (HPWS) 和绩效之间的联系,但我们通过 (1) 关注新产品/服务创新和 (2) 测试与 SME(最多 250 名员工)的关系来扩展此文献。具体来说,我们测试了 HPWS 影响人力资本并最终影响创新的路径模型。此外,为了更好地了解不同规模的中小企业内潜在的资源差异以及经营的商业环境,我们还测试了 (3) 公司规模和 (4) 作为调节者的竞争竞争。结合这些因素,我们测试了有调节的中介模型,并使用了 253 家具有时间滞后数据的 SME 样本。研究结果表明,HPWS 与企业的人力资本和创新呈正相关,HPWS 的直接影响部分受人力资本的调节。调节效应强调公司规模是最重要的,只有在 HPWS 较高时,较大的 SME 才能胜过较小的 SME。与 HPWS (2-way) 和较大的 SME (3-way) 相结合的更具竞争力的竞争产生了最高水平的人力资本。最后,发现公司规模的中介效应有调节作用,表明 HPWS 对创新的间接影响(通过人力资本)随着中小企业规模的扩大而增强。讨论了对 HPWS 和 SME 创新的影响。表明 HPWS 对创新的间接影响(通过人力资本)随着中小企业的扩大而加强。讨论了对 HPWS 和 SME 创新的影响。表明 HPWS 对创新的间接影响(通过人力资本)随着中小企业的扩大而加强。讨论了对 HPWS 和 SME 创新的影响。
