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A SWOT analysis of parent-mediated intervention for children with autism spectrum disorder: Oman as a Regional Model
International Journal of Developmental Disabilities ( IF 2.170 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-08 , DOI: 10.1080/20473869.2021.1895700
Ahmed B Idris 1 , Reem Abdulrahim 2 , Watfa Al-Mamari 1 , Andy Shih 3 , Marios Kantaris 4

The prevalence of autism in the Arabian Gulf region is on the rise leading to overstretching of the pre-existing intervention services. The World Health Organization Caregiver Skills Training Program is a novel renovation being studied around the globe to overcome the scarcity of resources, improve autistic children’s outcome and empower parents with comparable results to therapist-based models. Recently, Oman achieved great success in advocating for autism and initiated the first screening program for autism in the region. This review aims to use a Strength, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) analysis matrix to investigate the potential for using a parent-mediated intervention program as a supplementary approach to the currently used therapist-based intervention model in the country as an example for Gulf region.


自闭症谱系障碍儿童家长介导干预的 SWOT 分析:阿曼作为区域模型

阿拉伯湾地区自闭症的患病率正在上升,导致现有干预服务过度紧张。世界卫生组织的护理人员技能培训计划是一项全球范围内正在研究的新颖革新,旨在克服资源稀缺、改善自闭症儿童的治疗结果并赋予父母与基于治疗师的模型相媲美的结果。最近,阿曼在倡导自闭症方面取得了巨大成功,并在该地区启动了首个自闭症筛查计划。本综述旨在使用优势、劣势、机会和威胁 (SWOT) 分析矩阵来调查使用父母介导的干预计划作为该国目前使用的基于治疗师的干预模式的补充方法的潜力海湾地区。
