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Flow entry conflict detection and resolution scheme for software-defined networking
The International Journal of Electrical Engineering & Education ( IF 0.941 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-03 , DOI: 10.1177/0020720921998237
Lie Tang 1 , You Fu 1 , Youwen Zeng 1 , Zhihao Li 1 , Shuangqing Li 1

Software-defined networking (SDN) has the ability to flexibly configure the network and is widely used in various scenarios. In SDN, different applications require the controller to deploy corresponding flow entries to maintain the effectiveness of network. However, the matching field range covered by entries of different applications may overlap, and when actions specified by these overlapping entries are inconsistent, conflicts may occur. Such conflicts may cause the flow to match the wrong entry, thereby affecting the correct expression of application functions. The scheme we proposed in this paper will be able to detect and resolve conflicts between flow entries. Firstly, we discussed the causes of conflicts, and then classified various conflict situations. This classification will help us to adopt different ways of resolving different types of conflicts and make the resolution of conflicts more targeted. Next, we propose a conflict detection algorithm based on B+ tree. This algorithm can detect different types of conflicts. According to theoretical proof, the use of B+ tree compared with other similar structures better in the performance of the time and space complexity. Finally, for the detected conflicting entries, we propose a conflict resolution scheme based on the failure degree of the flow entry according to the characteristics of SDN services tending to be more detailed. Through experimental evaluation, our scheme can effectively detect and resolve conflicts with lower overhead.



软件定义网络(SDN)具有灵活配置网络的能力,并广泛用于各种情况。在SDN中,不同的应用程序要求控制器部署相应的流条目以维护网络的有效性。但是,不同应用程序的条目所覆盖的匹配字段范围可能会重叠,并且当这些重叠的条目所指定的操作不一致时,可能会发生冲突。这样的冲突可能导致流匹配错误的条目,从而影响应用程序功能的正确表达。我们在本文中提出的方案将能够检测并解决流条目之间的冲突。首先,我们讨论了冲突的原因,然后对各种冲突情况进行了分类。这种分类将帮助我们采用解决不同类型冲突的不同方法,并使冲突的解决更具针对性。接下来,我们提出了一种基于B +树的冲突检测算法。该算法可以检测不同类型的冲突。根据理论证明,使用B +树与其他类似结构相比,在时间和空间复杂度方面表现更好。最后,针对检测到的冲突条目,根据趋向于更详细的SDN服务的特点,提出了一种基于流条目的失败程度的冲突解决方案。通过实验评估,我们的方案可以以较低的开销有效地检测和解决冲突。我们提出了一种基于B +树的冲突检测算法。该算法可以检测不同类型的冲突。根据理论证明,使用B +树与其他类似结构相比,在时间和空间复杂度方面表现更好。最后,针对检测到的冲突条目,根据趋向于更详细的SDN服务的特点,提出了一种基于流条目的失败程度的冲突解决方案。通过实验评估,我们的方案可以以较低的开销有效地检测和解决冲突。我们提出了一种基于B +树的冲突检测算法。该算法可以检测不同类型的冲突。根据理论证明,使用B +树与其他类似结构相比,在时间和空间复杂度方面表现更好。最后,针对检测到的冲突条目,根据趋向于更详细的SDN服务的特点,提出了一种基于流条目的失败程度的冲突解决方案。通过实验评估,我们的方案可以以较低的开销有效地检测和解决冲突。针对SDN服务的特点,我们根据流条目的失败程度提出了一种冲突解决方案。通过实验评估,我们的方案可以以较低的开销有效地检测和解决冲突。针对SDN服务的特点,我们根据流条目的失败程度提出了一种冲突解决方案。通过实验评估,我们的方案可以以较低的开销有效地检测和解决冲突。
