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Deemed consent for organ donation: a comparison of the English and Scottish approaches
Journal of Law and the Biosciences ( IF 3.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-08 , DOI: 10.1093/jlb/lsab003
Jordan A Parsons 1

Deemed consent for organ donation has long been discussed as a potential solution to the shortage of organs for transplantation, with several countries having implemented it. In Great Britain, Wales was the first nation to introduce such a system, having done so in 2015. Now, the other two nations are following suit. In this paper, I compare the approaches of England and Scotland in moving to systems of deemed consent for organ donation. After outlining both sets of legislation, I focus on three points on which the two nations differ. First, the role of those close to the deceased in the consent process and the extent to which clinicians are required to consult them ahead of consent being deemed. Second, the role of government ministers in ensuring widespread public awareness. Third, the ways in which the two nations responded to the challenge of the COVID-19 pandemic in relation to the implementation of deemed consent. I conclude that on all three points, the Scottish approach is preferable.



长期以来,人们一直在讨论将器官捐献视为同意作为移植器官短缺的潜在解决方案,一些国家已经实施了它。在英国,威尔士是第一个引入这种系统的国家,2015 年就这样做了。现在,其他两个国家也在效仿。在这篇论文中,我比较了英格兰和苏格兰在器官捐献上转向视同同意系统的方法。在概述了这两套立法之后,我将重点放在两国不同的三点上。首先,与死者关系密切的人在同意过程中的作用以及临床医生在同意被视为同意之前需要咨询他们的程度。其次,政府部长在确保广泛的公众意识方面的作用。第三,两国在实施视同同意方面应对 COVID-19 大流行挑战的方式。我的结论是,在所有三点上,苏格兰的方法都是可取的。