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Novice or expert? Heritage speaker's orientation to the novice-expert paradigm
Journal of Pragmatics ( IF 1.860 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-04 , DOI: 10.1016/j.pragma.2021.02.013
Marta Tecedor , Leslie Del Carpio , Valeria Ochoa

Drawing on the theoretical tenets of the communities of practice (CofP) framework (Lave and Wenger 1991) and using an emic microanalytic perspective to analyze the data, this study explores how bilingual heritage speakers (HS) make relevant their novice-expert identities through references to their expertise and during repair activity. Data from four paired videoconferencing conversations between two focal bilingual Spanish HSs and either a monolingual Spanish native speaker (NS) or a Spanish second language (L2) learner was used to examine how the bilingual HSs negotiated their participation and membership within the speaking community of their minority language. Data analysis revealed fluctuations in the HSs' orientations to their novice and expert identities, discourse-internal as well as external, which can be interpreted as HSs’ fluidity to move between categories or as evidence of their struggle to self-claim their identities in their minority language. Overall, the data shows that the construction of a social identity is a dynamic, locally-contingent, and situationally-bounded process that emerges during talk-in-interaction. Additionally, the results also provide insights into the dialectic relationship between locally co-constructed actions and macro-level sociolinguistic categories such as NS and NNS commonly used in second language acquisition (SLA) research.



借鉴实践社区(CofP)框架的理论原理(Lave和Wenger 1991),并使用emic微观分析视角来分析数据,本研究探讨了双语传承人(HS)如何通过参考使他们的新手专家身份与之相关他们的专业知识和维修活动期间。来自两个重点双语西班牙语HS以及英语为母语的母语者(NS)或西班牙语第二语言(L2)学习者之间的四对视频会议对话中的数据,用于检查双语HS如何协商其在其口语社区内的参与和成员资格少数民族语言。数据分析显示,HS对新手和专家身份,内部和外部话语取向的波动 这可以解释为HSs在类别之间移动的流动性,也可以解释为HSs努力以少数民族语言自我宣称自己的身份的证据。总体而言,数据表明,社会身份的建构是一个动态的,因地而异,因地制宜的过程,该过程在互动交谈中出现。此外,研究结果还提供了对当地共同建构的行动与第二语言习得(SLA)研究中常用的宏观水平的社会语言学类别(例如NS和NNS)之间的辩证关系的见解。以及在互动交谈中出现的受情境限制的过程。此外,研究结果还提供了对当地共同建构的行为与第二语言习得(SLA)研究中常用的宏观水平的社会语言学类别(例如NS和NNS)之间的辩证关系的见解。以及在互动交谈中出现的受情境限制的过程。此外,研究结果还提供了对当地共同建构的行为与第二语言习得(SLA)研究中常用的宏观水平的社会语言学类别(例如NS和NNS)之间的辩证关系的见解。
