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Testing and Diagnosis as Social Interventions: An Interview with Annemarie Jutel
Science, Technology and Society ( IF 1.810 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-04 , DOI: 10.1177/0971721820964887
Kiran Pienaar , Alan Petersen

Kiran Pienaar (KP) and Alan Petersen (AP): Thank you, Annemarie, for agreeing to share your perspectives in this interview. We are delighted to have this opportunity to engage with your insights and scholarly contributions on the sociology of diagnosis.

In 2011 you co-edited a special issue of Social Science and Medicine entitled ‘Toward a Sociology of Diagnosis’ in which you called for sociologists to pay more attention to medical diagnosis as a central practice and classification tool of medicine. In the introduction, you note that ‘diagnosis has had an absent presence in the sociology of health and illness’ (Jutel & Nettleton, 2011, p. 793). Do you think this is still the case or has the field developed since then to attend more closely to the social issues and processes at work in diagnosis? In your view, does diagnosis merit continued/renewed sociological attention? And if so, why?


作为社会干预的测试和诊断:Annemarie Jutel访谈

Kiran Pienaar(KP)和Alan Petersen(AP):谢谢Annemarie,她同意在这次采访中分享您的观点。我们很高兴有这个机会与您就诊断社会学的见解和学术贡献进行交流。

