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Effects of supplementation strategies during the growing phase on meat quality of beef cattle finished in different systems
Livestock Science ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-04 , DOI: 10.1016/j.livsci.2021.104465
Juliana Akamine Torrecilhas , Elias San Vito , Giovani Fiorentini , Pablo de Souza Castagnino , Tiago Adriano Simioni , Josiane Fonseca Lage , Fernando Baldi , Juliana Messana Duarte , Lorrayny Galoro da Silva , Ricardo Andrade Reis , Telma Teresinha Berchielli

One hundred and twenty bulls were used in a randomized complete block design in 2 × 2 factorial arrangement; two supplements during the growing phase: mineral (ad libitum; MIN) or protein + energy [0.3% of body weight (BW)/animal/day; PRE] and two finishing systems: pasture plus concentrate supplementation (2% BW/animal/day; PASCO) and feedlot (25:75% corn silage:concentrate; FLOT). The supplementation strategy at growing phase did not affect (P > 0.050) the pH, shear force, sarcomere length and myofibrillar fragmentation index of the animals. Backfat thickness was increased and meat shear force was decreased (P < 0.050) when the bulls were finished in FLOT. Bulls from PASCO presented an increase (P < 0.050) in the yellowness subcutaneous fat and myoglobin concentration, and a decrease in L* and a* values in meat during storage days. Meat lipid oxidation was decreased (P < 0.011) in bulls fed MIN during the growing phase followed by PASCO. Supplementation used at growing phase did not affect the meat quality of the bulls and the feedlot system slightly improved beef tenderness and colour compared to pasture plus supplementation.



在2×2析因排列的随机完整块设计中使用了120头公牛; 生长阶段的两种补品:矿物质(任意; MIN)或蛋白质+能量[体重(BW)/动物/天的0.3%;PRE]和两个肥育系统:牧场加精矿补充(2%BW /动物/天; PASCO)和饲养场(25:75%玉米青贮饲料:精矿; FLOT)。生长期的补充策略不影响动物的pH,剪切力,肌小节长度和肌原纤维碎裂指数(P > 0.050)。当公牛在FLOT中完成后,背脂厚度增加且肉切力降低(P <0.050)。PASCO的公牛呈上升趋势(P<0.050)的黄色皮下脂肪和肌红蛋白浓度,并且在储存期间肉中L *和a *值降低。在成年期饲喂MIN的公牛的肉类脂质氧化降低(P <0.011),随后是PASCO。在生长阶段使用的补充剂不会影响公牛的肉质,与牧场和补充剂相比,饲养场系统会稍微改善牛肉的嫩度和色泽。
