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Treatment of moderate to severe orbitopathy: Current modalities and perspectives
Annales d'Endocrinologie ( IF 3.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-04 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ando.2021.02.001
Nadia Bouzehouane 1 , Françoise Borson-Chazot 1 , Juliette Abeillon 1 , Philippe Caron 2

Graves’ orbitopathy (GO) is the primary cause of exophthalmos in adults. It appears in 30 to 50% of patients with Graves’ disease. About 5% are moderate-to-severe cases that might be see-threatening or lead to long term disabling sequelae. Recommendations have been established in 2016 by the European thyroid association (ETA) and the European group on Grave's orbitopathy (EUGOGO), suggesting a wide use of corticosteroids in moderate to severe forms. However, disappointing results have been reported in 20 to 30% of cases. Improved understanding of pathophysiological mechanisms has allowed the use of non-specific immunomodulatory agents, currently under evaluation, and which place in the therapeutic strategy remains to be determined. Very recently, new promising therapeutic advances have emerged with the identification of new therapeutic targets, such as the TSH receptor and IGF-1 receptor complex.



格雷夫斯眼眶病 (GO) 是成人眼球突出的主要原因。它出现在 30% 至 50% 的格雷夫斯病患者中。大约 5% 是中度至重度病例,可能会危及视力或导致长期致残后遗症。欧洲甲状腺协会 (ETA) 和欧洲格雷夫眼眶病小组 (EUGOGO) 于 2016 年制定了建议,建议广泛使用中度至重度形式的皮质类固醇。然而,在 20% 到 30% 的病例中报告了令人失望的结果。对病理生理机制的了解的提高使得非特异性免疫调节剂的使用成为可能,目前正在评估中,但在治疗策略中的位置仍有待确定。最近,随着新治疗靶点的确定,出现了新的有希望的治疗进展,
