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Cross-National Focus Group Response to Autonomous Vehicles
Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-03 , DOI: 10.1177/0361198121992363
Thomas A. Norton 1 , Melissa Ruhl 1 , Tim Armitage 1 , Brian Matthews 2 , John Miles 3

The development of autonomous vehicles (AVs) is advancing quickly in some enclaves around the world. Consequently, AVs exist in the public consciousness, featuring regularly in mainstream media. As the form and function of AVs emerge, the attitudes of potential users become more important. The extent to which the public trusts AV technology and anticipates benefits, will drive consumer willingness to use AVs. Broadly, public attitudes will determine whether AVs can attract public investment in infrastructure and become a feature of the future transport mix or fail to realize the potential their developers assert. As part of UK Autodrive, a program trialing the introduction of AVs in the United Kingdom, researchers conducted focus groups in five UK cities, and a comparison focus group in San Francisco (December 2017 to September 2018) using representative samples (total n = 137). Focus group facilitators guided discussions in three areas considered central to usage decisions: trust in the technology, ownership models, and community benefit. This paper describes findings from a quasi-quantitative study supported with qualitative insights. This research provides three key takeaways centering on trust in the technology and in delivering benefit. First, some participants gain trust through experience and others through evidence. Second, participants had difficulty discriminating between AV developers, indicating a need for industry cooperation. Third, partnerships were found to demonstrate trust, highlighting the need for more and deeper partnerships moving forward. Generally, participants had positive attitudes toward AVs and expect AVs to provide benefits. However, these attitudes and expectations could change as AV development progresses.



自动驾驶汽车(AVs)的发展在世界各地的一些飞地中都在迅速发展。因此,AV存在于公众意识中,并在主流媒体中定期出现。随着AV的形式和功能的出现,潜在用户的态度变得越来越重要。公众信任视音频技术并预期收益的程度将推动消费者使用视音频的意愿。从广义上讲,公众的态度将决定自动驾驶汽车是否能够吸引公共基础设施投资并成为未来交通组合的特征,还是无法实现开发商所宣称的潜力。作为UK Autodrive计划的一部分,该计划在英国试行了AV的引入,研究人员在英国五个城市进行了焦点小组调查,ñ = 137)。焦点小组主持人引导了三个领域的讨论,这些领域被认为是使用决策的核心:对技术的信任,所有权模型和社区利益。本文描述了在定性研究的支持下进行的半定量研究的结果。这项研究提供了三个关键点,重点是对技术的信任和带来的收益。首先,一些参与者通过经验获得信任,而另一些则通过证据获得信任。其次,参与者很难区分AV开发人员,这表明需要行业合作。第三,发现伙伴关系表现出信任,突出了对进一步发展更深层次伙伴关系的需求。通常,参与者对AV持积极态度,并期望AV会带来好处。然而,
