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MIGRANTS AND THE RIGHT TO SOUTH AFRICAN CITIES. Anne-Maria Makhkulu. Making Freedom: Apartheid, Squatter Politics, and the Struggle for Home. Durham: Duke University Press, 2015. vii + 228 pp. Photographs. Bibliography. Index. $19.16. Paper. ISBN: 978-0822359661. Emily Margaretten. Street Life Under a Roof: Youth Homelessness in South Africa. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2015. xi + 213 pp. Photographs. Bibliography. Index. $25.00. Paper. ISBN: 978-0252081118. Jonathan Crush, Abel Chikanda, Caroline Skinner. Mean Streets: Migration, Xenophobia and Informality in South Africa. Ontario: The Southern African Migration Programme, 2015. iv + 300 pp. Photographs. Bibliography. Index. $35.00. Paper. ISBN: 978-1920596118.
African Studies Review ( IF 1.820 ) Pub Date : 2019-10-28 , DOI: 10.1017/asr.2019.61
Dawne Y. Curry

Making Freedom: Apartheid, Squatter Politics, and the Struggle for Home; Street Life Under a Roof: Youth Homelessness in South Africa; and Mean Streets: Migration, Xenophobia and Informality in South Africa all employ oral narratives, photographs, tables, maps, and charts to introduce different approaches that examine the dispossessed in South Africa’s urban centers. These works, which all focus on contemporary South African history and the post-liberated state, coalesce around key themes such as exclusion, mobility, homelessness, xenophobia, and informality. Anne-Maria Makhulu, Emily Margaretten, and Jonathan Crush et al. show how the worlds of the formal and informal collide on the city’s streets, outside Cape Town’s peripheries, and within its fringe settlements. These scholars depict how their subjects have “gain(ed) a right to the city” even while occupying marginalized communities in Nyanga, Crossroads, and other settlement areas that developed around the City Bowl. Legislation, class, ethnicity, race, and geography, among other identity markers, exclude migrants from the promise of Cape Town’s resources.


移民和进入南非城市的权利。安妮-玛丽亚·马赫库鲁。创造自由:种族隔离、棚户区政治和为家园而奋斗。达勒姆:杜克大学出版社,2015 年。vii + 228 页。照片。参考书目。指数。19.16 美元。纸。ISBN:978-0822359661。艾米丽·玛格丽特。屋顶下的街头生活:南非青年无家可归。厄巴纳:伊利诺伊大学出版社,2015 年。xi + 213 页。照片。参考书目。指数。25.00 美元。纸。ISBN:978-0252081118。乔纳森·粉碎、亚伯·奇坎达、卡罗琳·斯金纳。卑鄙的街道:南非的移民、仇外心理和非正式性。安大略省:南部非洲移民计划,2015 年。iv + 300 页。照片。参考书目。指数。35.00 美元。纸。ISBN:978-1920596118。

创造自由:种族隔离、棚户区政治和为家园而奋斗;屋顶下的街头生活:南非青年无家可归;和卑鄙的街道:南非的移民、仇外心理和非正规性都采用口头叙述、照片、表格、地图和图表来介绍不同的方法来检查南非城市中心的被剥夺者。这些作品都关注当代南非历史和解放后的国家,围绕排斥、流动、无家可归、仇外心理和非正式性等关键主题进行融合。Anne-Maria Makhulu、Emily Margaretten 和 Jonathan Crush 等人。展示正式和非正式的世界如何在城市街道上、开普敦外围以及边缘定居点内发生碰撞。这些学者描述了他们的受试者如何“获得(ed)城市权利”,即使他们占领了 Nyanga、Crossroad 和其他围绕 City Bowl 发展的定居区的边缘化社区。立法、阶级、种族、种族和地理以及其他身份标志将移民排除在开普敦资源的承诺之外。