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Decolonizing the British Army: a preliminary response
International Affairs ( IF 4.985 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-05 , DOI: 10.1093/ia/iiab001
Anthony King

Following the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis on 25 May 2020, anti-racist protests occurred across America and Europe. As a result, public institutions in the UK have begun to re-examine their cultures and practices to ensure not only that they are non-discriminatory, but also that they are actively anti-racist. The Army will not be immune to this process. Indeed, senior commanders including the Chief of the Defence Staff have already embraced the ‘decolonizing’ programme. Since 2000, the Army has incorporated significant numbers of Black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) soldiers; just over 10 per cent of the Army is now BAME. This article examines the integration of minority soldiers over the last two decades in order to assess the prospects of ‘de-colonization’ in the Army today. Despite the apparent success of the Army's integration policy, this article identifies three obstacles which still obstruct minority integration and are likely to impede de-colonization. Firstly, the majority of the Army's BAME soldiers are not British citizens, but foreign and Commonwealth nationals. Secondly, the young age of the majority of British soldiers generates interactional dynamics in barracks and training which often accidentally excludes foreign minority soldiers. Thirdly, the military ideal of the British Army remains understandably Anglo-Saxon. This article considers the tensions inherent in the Army's multicultural project and lays out suggestions about how they might be overcome to pursue a de-colonizing agenda.



2020 年 5 月 25 日,乔治·弗洛伊德 (George Floyd) 在明尼阿波利斯去世后,美国和欧洲发生了反种族主义抗议活动。因此,英国的公共机构开始重新审视他们的文化和做法,以确保他们不仅是非歧视性的,而且是积极反种族主义的。陆军不会对这一过程免疫。事实上,包括国防参谋长在内的高级指挥官已经接受了“非殖民化”计划。自 2000 年以来,陆军吸收了大量黑人、亚裔和少数族裔 (BAME) 士兵;现在只有超过 10% 的陆军是 BAME。本文考察了过去二十年中少数族裔士兵的整合情况,以评估当今军队“去殖民化”的前景。尽管陆军取得了明显的成功 作为融合政策,本文确定了仍然阻碍少数民族融合并可能阻碍非殖民化的三个障碍。首先,陆军的大多数 BAME 士兵不是英国公民,而是外国和英联邦国民。其次,大多数英国士兵的年轻年龄在军营和训练中产生了互动动力,这往往会意外地将外国少数士兵排除在外。第三,英国军队的军事理想仍然是可以理解的盎格鲁-撒克逊人。本文考虑了陆军多元文化项目中固有的紧张局势,并就如何克服这些紧张局势以追求去殖民化议程提出了建议。大多数陆军 BAME 士兵不是英国公民,而是外国和英联邦国民。其次,大多数英国士兵的年轻年龄在军营和训练中产生了互动动力,这往往会意外地将外国少数士兵排除在外。第三,英国军队的军事理想仍然是可以理解的盎格鲁-撒克逊人。本文考虑了陆军多元文化项目中固有的紧张局势,并就如何克服这些紧张局势以追求去殖民化议程提出了建议。大多数陆军 BAME 士兵不是英国公民,而是外国和英联邦国民。其次,大多数英国士兵的年轻年龄在军营和训练中产生了互动动力,这往往会意外地将外国少数士兵排除在外。第三,英国军队的军事理想仍然是可以理解的盎格鲁-撒克逊人。本文考虑了陆军多元文化项目中固有的紧张局势,并就如何克服这些紧张局势以追求去殖民化议程提出了建议。英国军队的军事理想仍然是可以理解的盎格鲁撒克逊人。本文考虑了陆军多元文化项目中固有的紧张局势,并就如何克服这些紧张局势以追求去殖民化议程提出了建议。英国军队的军事理想仍然是可以理解的盎格鲁撒克逊人。本文考虑了陆军多元文化项目中固有的紧张局势,并就如何克服这些紧张局势以追求去殖民化议程提出了建议。