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Psychoanalysis in the Meantime
Psychoanalytic Dialogues ( IF 0.450 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-01 , DOI: 10.1080/10481885.2020.1863075
Lisa C. Beritzhoff 1


This paper describes the psychic toll the migratory, humanitarian crisis is exacting on the self (and its sacred core) of displaced people worldwide, specifically young children and adolescents, who are currently being held in transit camps. The sacred core is Winnicott’s elaboration of the true self and that which is most deeply personal and private, and “most worthy of preservation”. For exiles held in detention, the self and its core are in urgent need of protection and recognition, as they struggle to exist in what I refer to as The Meantime. The Meantime is when migratory mourning stretches to infinity, resulting in extreme dissociation, or depersonalization, that becomes a collective way of life that destroys reality and the self. In order for the self and reality to survive The Meantime, relationships with “need mediating subjects,” whom I call The Responsibles, must be created.




本文描述了全球各地流离失所者(特别是目前被关押在过境营地中的年幼儿童和青少年)自身(及其神圣的核心)所遭受的心理创伤,人道主义危机。神圣的核心是温尼科特(Winnicott)对真实自我的阐述,其中最深刻的是个人和私人,并且是“最值得保留的”。对于被关押的流放者,自我及其核心迫切需要得到保护和承认,因为他们难以生存在我所指的“同时期”中。与此同时,迁徙哀悼延伸到无穷无尽,导致极端的解体或人格解体,成为一种破坏现实和自我的集体生活方式。为了使自己与现实生存其间,必须与“需要调解的主体”建立关系,我称之为“负责人” 。
