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Hidden Abodes in Plain Sight: the Social Reproduction of Households and Labor in the COVID-19 Pandemic
Feminist Economics ( IF 2.821 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-01 , DOI: 10.1080/13545701.2020.1854478
Sara Stevano 1 , Alessandra Mezzadri 2 , Lorena Lombardozzi 3 , Hannah Bargawi 4


This article deploys a feminist political economy approach centered on social reproduction to analyze the reconfiguration and regeneration of multiple inequalities in households and the labor markets during the COVID-19 pandemic. Based on this approach, the analysis unpacks the multiple trajectories of fragility the current crisis is intervening on and reshaping in the home and in the world of work, and their gendered and racialized features across the world. It shows how the pandemic and the measures to contain it have further deepened the centrality of households and reproductive work in the functioning of capitalism and argues that the transformative potential of the crisis can only be harnessed by framing policy and political responses around social reproduction and its essential contributions to work and life.


  • A feminist social reproduction approach reveals the COVID-19 crisis as a crisis of work.

  • The crisis is reshaping the organization of production and reproduction in households and global labor markets.

  • This reorganization is exacerbating gender, class, and race inequalities.

  • The pandemic has renewed the centrality of households in welfare provisioning and made social reproduction work visible.

  • An internationalist feminist response would ensure access to services based on the centrality of social reproduction.






  • 女权主义的社会再生产方法揭示了COVID-19危机是一种工作危机。

  • 这场危机正在重塑家庭和全球劳动力市场中生产和再生产的组织。

  • 这种重组加剧了性别,阶级和种族不平等。

  • 这场大流行使家庭在福利供应中的中心地位得到了更新,并使社会再生产工作可见。

  • 国际主义的女权主义对策将确保基于社会再生产的中心地位获得服务。
