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Face the Uncanny: The Effects of Doppelganger Talking Head Avatars on Affect-Based Trust Toward Artificial Intelligence Technology are Mediated by Uncanny Valley Perceptions
Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking ( IF 6.135 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-17 , DOI: 10.1089/cyber.2020.0175
William D. Weisman 1 , Jorge F. Peña 1

This experiment (N = 228) examined how exposure to a talking head doppelganger created by an artificial intelligence (AI) program influenced affect-based trust toward AIs. Using a 3 (talking head featuring the participant's or a stranger's face, audio-only condition) by 2 (pro-AI pitch and anti-AI pitch playback) design, we uncovered that exposure to a talking head featuring the participant's face instead of a stranger's face increased uncanny valley perceptions. Furthermore, uncanny valley perceptions mediated the link between exposure to a talking head with the participant's face on affect-based trust. Overall, exposure to a doppelganger talking head, who delivered a persuasive pitch, triggered discomfort on the participant whose features were sourced to craft a synthetic talking head, which in turn decreased affect-based trust attributed to AIs. This phenomenon is rooted in basic psychological mechanisms that underpin the uncanny valley hypothesis. Future studies may test for these findings across different platforms and also provide evidence regarding user mental processing.


面对不可思议的问题:Uncanny Valley的看法介导了Doppelganger会说话的头像头像对基于影响力的人工智能技术信任的影响

这个实验(N = 228)研究了通过人工智能(AI)程序创建的会说话的人会说话的人对Doppelganger的影响如何影响基于情感的对AI的信任。使用3(说话人的头部以参与者或陌生人的脸为特征,只有音频的情况)乘以2(pro-AI音高和反AI音高回放)设计,我们发现暴露于说话者头部的声音是参与者的面部而不是面部。陌生人的脸使山谷中的人变得异常诡异。此外,不可思议的山谷感悟介导了对说话者头部的暴露与参与者基于情感的信任下的面部之间的联系。总体而言,暴露于多普勒ganger说话者头部并发出具有说服力的音调会引起参与者的不适,参与者的特征是要制作合成的说话者头部,从而降低了归因于AI的基于情感的信任。这种现象根植于支持不可思议的山谷假说的基本心理机制。未来的研究可能会在不同平台上测试这些发现,并且还会提供有关用户心理处理的证据。