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COVID‐19 and the shifting industrial landscape
Geographical Research ( IF 5.043 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-28 , DOI: 10.1111/1745-5871.12462
Chris Gibson 1 , Chantel Carr 1 , Craig Lyons 1 , Lucy Taksa 2 , Andrew Warren 1

The COVID‐19 coronavirus pandemic has fuelled debate about domestic industry and manufacturing in light of shocks to global supply chains and shortages of medical and personal protective equipment (PPE). Nevertheless, debates have been poorly attuned to geography and history. Calls for reinvigorated domestic manufacturing conceal the degree to which industrial landscapes are already entwined in geometries of power. This is especially so at ports—increasingly privatised—that have become sites of policy focus and biosecurity panic. Crucial trading zones, ports are being refashioned as growth machines for commodity export, energy, and logistics, undergirding national manufacturing capacity via trade and material commodity flows. Yet ports have also always been vectors for disease transmission and are central places for COVID‐19 crises. Writing from Port Kembla, south of Sydney, Australia, we catalogue five themes warranting geographical analysis and global comparison in light of coronavirus: disruptions to supply chains (with implications for global production networks); domestic industrial capacity and the future of manufacturing; biosecuring industrial sites; precarious labour and work; and vernacular emergency response capacities within industrial communities. Amidst heightened geopolitical tensions, geographers reveal how industrial landscapes are contested. Logistical and biosecurity roles are enveloped by enduring infrastructural materialities, local histories, and regional legacies of skill and ingenuity.



鉴于全球供应链受到冲击以及医疗和个人防护设备(PPE)短缺,COVID-19冠状病毒大流行引发了有关国内工业和制造业的争论。然而,关于地理和历史的辩论很少。振兴国内制造业的呼吁掩盖了工业格局已经与权力几何交织在一起的程度。在日益私有化的港口上,尤其如此,这些港口已成为政策关注和生物安全恐慌的场所。至关重要的贸易区,港口正被重新塑造为商品出口,能源和物流的增长机器,通过贸易和物质商品流动削弱了国家的制造能力。但是港口也一直是疾病传播的媒介,并且是COVID-19危机的中心地带。我们从澳大利亚悉尼南部的肯布拉港(Port Kembla)撰写了五个主题,这些主题需要根据冠状病毒进行地理分析和全球比较:供应链中断(对全球生产网络有影响);国内工业能力和制造业的未来;生物安全的工业场所;不稳定的工作和工作;以及工业社区内的白话紧急响应能力。在加剧的地缘政治紧张局势中,地理学家揭示了如何竞争工业景观。后勤和生物安全的角色被持久的基础设施重要性,当地历史以及区域性技能和才智所包围。供应链中断(对全球生产网络有影响);国内工业能力和制造业的未来;生物安全的工业场所;不稳定的工作和工作;以及工业社区内的白话紧急响应能力。在加剧的地缘政治紧张局势中,地理学家揭示了如何竞争工业景观。后勤和生物安全的作用被持久的基础设施重要性,当地历史以及区域性技能和才智所笼罩。供应链中断(对全球生产网络有影响);国内工业能力和制造业的未来;生物安全的工业场所;不稳定的工作和工作;以及工业社区内的白话紧急响应能力。在加剧的地缘政治紧张局势中,地理学家揭示了如何竞争工业景观。后勤和生物安全的作用被持久的基础设施重要性,当地历史以及区域性技能和才智所笼罩。地理学家揭示了如何竞争工业景观。后勤和生物安全的角色被持久的基础设施重要性,当地历史以及区域性技能和才智所包围。地理学家揭示了如何竞争工业景观。后勤和生物安全的作用被持久的基础设施重要性,当地历史以及区域性技能和才智所笼罩。