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Seasonality of floral resources in relation to bee activity in agroecosystems
Ecology and Evolution ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-28 , DOI: 10.1002/ece3.7260
Jessica M. Guezen 1 , Jessica R. K. Forrest 1

The contribution of wild insects to crop pollination is becoming increasingly important as global demand for crops dependent on animal pollination increases. If wild insect populations are to persist in agricultural landscapes, there must be sufficient resources over time and space. The temporal, within‐season component of floral resource availability has rarely been investigated, despite growing recognition of its likely importance for pollinator populations. Here, we examined the visitation rates of common bee genera and the spatiotemporal availability of floral resources in agroecosystems over one season to determine whether local wild bee activity was limited by landscape floral resource abundance, and if so, whether it was limited by the present or past abundance of landscape floral resources. Visitation rates and landscape floral resources were measured in 27 agricultural sites in Ontario and Québec, Canada, across four time periods and three spatial scales. Floral resources were determined based on species‐specific floral volume measurements, which we found to be highly correlated with published measurements of nectar sugar mass and pollen volume. Total floral volume at varying spatial scales predicted visits for commonly observed bee genera. We found Lasioglossum and Halictus visits were highest in landscapes that provided either a stable or increasing amount of floral resources over the season. Andrena visits were highest in landscapes with high floral resources at the start of the season, and Bombus visits appeared to be positively related to greater cumulative seasonal abundance of floral resources. These findings together suggest the importance of early‐season floral resources to bees. Megachile visits were negatively associated with the present abundance of floral resources, perhaps reflecting pollinator movement or dilution. Our research provides insight into how seasonal fluctuations in floral resources affect bee activity and how life history traits of bee genera influence their responses to food availability within agroecosystems.



随着全球对依赖动物授粉的农作物需求的增加,野生昆虫对农作物授粉的贡献变得越来越重要。如果要在农业景观中保留野生昆虫种群,那么在时间和空间上必须有足够的资源。尽管人们日益认识到花粉资源对授粉媒介种群的重要性,但鲜有研究调查花卉资源可用性的时间性,季节内成分。在这里,我们研究了普通蜜蜂属的探访率和农业生态系统中一个季节内花卉资源的时空可用性,以确定当地野生蜂活动是否受到景观花卉资源丰富度的限制,如果是,是否受到当前或当前限制。过去丰富的山水花卉资源。在四个时间段和三个空间范围内,在加拿大安大略省和魁北克省的27个农业场所中,对访视率和景观花卉资源进行了测量。花的资源是根据特定物种的花量测量确定的,我们发现这与已发表的花蜜糖含量和花粉量测量高度相关。在不同的空间尺度上,总花的体积预测了通常观察到的蜜蜂属的到访次数。我们找到 在不同的空间尺度上,总花的体积预测了通常观察到的蜜蜂属的到访次数。我们找到 在不同的空间尺度上,总花的体积预测了通常观察到的蜜蜂属的到访次数。我们找到LasioglossumHalictus访问的景观是最高的,超过本赛季无论是提供一个稳定或花卉资源量的增加。在季节开始时,安德雷娜(Andrena)的访问在花卉资源丰富的风景区中最高,而孟买(Bombus)的访问似乎与花卉资源的季节性累积量增加呈正相关。这些发现共同表明了早期花卉资源对蜜蜂的重要性。巨chi探访与当前丰富的花卉资源负相关,这可能反映了传粉媒介的移动或稀释。我们的研究提供了有关花卉资源的季节性波动如何影响蜜蜂活动以及蜜蜂属的生活史特征如何影响其对农业生态系统内食物供应量的响应的见识。