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Effect of coastal dune restoration on the population of endangered Mongolian racerunner ( Eremias argus ) in the Republic of Korea
Journal of Coastal Conservation ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-01 , DOI: 10.1007/s11852-021-00820-9
Min Ho Chang , Jae Young Song , Kyo Soung Koo

The endangered species Mongolian racerunner (Eremias Argus), with a limited distribution in South Korea, is found only in sand dunes near waterside and forests. Therefore, species trends in this particular habitat are directly affected by habitat contamination and destruction. In this study, we examined the effects of coastal sand dune restoration on the distribution and population of E. argus. We conducted a field survey in Baramarye special protection zone, called Baramarye Coast, a part of the Taeanhaean National Park, during April and June 2016. We searched and recorded the location of E. argus and tagged them using the toe clipping method. The size of the E. argus population was estimated using the Peterson method. After the restoration of coastal sand dunes in Baramarye Coast, the population size of E. argus increased by 126–137 (21.1–55.7%) compared with that in 2008. The home range of E. argus in coastal sand dunes was significantly expanded by 4.8-fold for 95% Kernel density (KD) and 3.6-fold for 50% KD compared with that in 2008. Moreover, we confirmed that the distribution of E. argus was expanded to the restored area. Our study showed that in situ conservation is effective for endangered E. argus, distributed in particular environments such as coastal region. This study provides one more reason why coastal region must be conserved.


沙丘恢复对大韩民国濒危蒙古竞跑者(Eremias argus)种群的影响。

濒临灭绝的蒙古族跑马(Eremias Argus)在韩国分布有限,仅在水边和森林附近的沙丘中发现。因此,该特定栖息地的物种趋势直接受到栖息地污染和破坏的影响。在这项研究中,我们研究了沿海沙丘恢复对大肠埃希菌的分布和种群的影响。我们于2016年4月至2016年6月在称为Taeanhaean国家公园的一部分的Baramarye特殊保护区Baramarye海岸进行了实地调查。我们搜索并记录了大肠埃希氏菌的位置,并使用脚趾夹方法对其进行标记。大肠埃希氏菌的大小人口是使用彼得森方法估计的。沿海的沙丘在Baramarye海岸恢复后,人口规模E.乌鳢增加126-137(21.1-55.7%),与2008年的活动范围比较E.阿格斯在沿海沙丘由被显著扩大95%内核密度(KD)的4.8倍和50%KD的3.6倍,与2008年相比。此外,我们确认了艾格斯氏菌的分布已扩展到恢复区域。我们的研究表明,就地保护对于分布在特定环境(如沿海地区)中的濒危艾美肠球菌是有效的。这项研究提供了必须保护沿海地区的另一个原因。
