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Averted targeted school killings from 1900-2016
Criminal Justice Studies Pub Date : 2019-05-17 , DOI: 10.1080/1478601x.2019.1618296
Robert Stallings 1 , Jacob Christian Hall 1

ABSTRACT Mass shootings, particularly those that occur on school grounds, often generate intense political debate. Following the 2018 shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglass High School, questions arose on how to prevent these tragedies. Typically, the response generated from these questions revolves around mental illness, bullying prevention, and gun control. Unfortunately, the views on these topics, especially gun control, are often rooted in a strong belief system which is unwavering. Resultantly, the debate on how to avert these incidents often stops at the debate phase. This study sought to better understand how these events can be prevented by examining targeted school killings from 1900–2016 in which the suspect was stopped before the attack. The analysis revealed that the majority of attacks were prevented by other students reporting the threat of an impending attack to school and law enforcement authorities.



摘要大规模枪击事件,特别是在校园内发生的枪击事件,经常引起激烈的政治辩论。在2018年Marjory Stoneman Douglass高中枪击事件发生后,人们对如何预防这些悲剧产生了疑问。通常,从这些问题中产生的答案涉及精神疾病,预防欺凌和控制枪支。不幸的是,关于这些主题的观点,尤其是枪支管制,常常植根于坚定不移的坚定信念体系中。结果,关于如何避免这些事件的辩论通常在辩论阶段就停止了。这项研究试图通过检查1900-2016年间针对学校的谋杀案来更好地了解如何预防此类事件,在该案中,犯罪嫌疑人在袭击发生前被制止。