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Contribution of electrical prospecting to the characterization of aquifers in the North Gabes-El Hamma region (Southern Tunisia)
Journal of African Earth Sciences ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-27 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jafrearsci.2021.104159
Mouna Ben Alayet , Sabeh Ben Ghaffar , Sabrine Zaghdoudi , Hadhemi Balti , Mohamed Gasmi

The North Gabes-El Hamma region is located in the south of Tunisia at the northern limit of the Saharan platform. It has been the subject of several geological, mining and especially hydrogeological studies. These studies aim to evaluate the underground water potentialities of this region in order to exploit them in a rational way.

It is within this framework that the present study is carried out, and it concerns the reinterpretation of 124 Vertical Electrical Soundings (VES) covering the study area. This study aims first to highlight aquifers and then to characterize them geometrically (thickness, depth and lateral extensions). To achieve this, the interpretation of the VES was carried out first in a qualitative way (establishment of apparent iso-resistivity maps and pseudosections) and then in a quantitative way (calibration of the VES on water boreholes, establishment of geoelectric sections and the roofs isobath and isopach maps of aquifer levels).

From the hydrostratigraphic point of view, the results show that the North Gabes-El Hamma region is characterized by the presence of two aquifers. The first one is superficial, with limited potentialities and would be constituted by heterogeneous silico-clastic series of mio-plio-quaternary age (MPQ) characterized by geoelectric levels of quite variable resistivities. The second aquifer is deeper, with higher potentialities and would be constituted by Lower Senonian carbonate series (SIC) characterized by resistivities between 15 and 28 Ω m.

From the structural point of view, the region is affected by intense fracturing in two main directions: NE-SW and NW-SE. The role of these faults, some of which are already known, is very important since they have subdivided the region into high zones (horsts) where the SIC would be eroded (with variable intensities) and low zones (grabens) where the SIC would be preserved under a thick MPQ cover. Moreover, these faults facilitate the lateral and especially vertical flow of groundwater and contribute to intercommunication between aquifers.

In order to orient and rationalize the exploitation of the different aquifers of the North Gabes-El Hamma region, a synthetic map presenting their characteristics (geographical distribution and depths) has been established.







