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Features of Changes in the Functional State of Sturgeon during Maturation in Closed Water-Supply Installations
Inland Water Biology ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-26 , DOI: 10.1134/s1995082921010107
E. N. Ponomareva , P. P. Geraskin , G. F. Metallov , A. N. Nevalennyi , V. A. Grigoryev , M. N. Sorokina , Yu. V. Fedorovykh


The dynamics of physiological and biochemical parameters of blood and urine in the process of gonad maturation in females of the sterlet × beluga hybrid (Acipenser ruthenus L., 1758 × Huso huso L., 1758) grown using CWSI technology is studied. It is shown that, when this technology is applied, features in functional changes that accompany the gonadogenesis of female hybrids appear, distinguishing them from those of fish from natural populations. At the same time, the direction of the generative exchange aimed at the formation of gametes is generally the same as in females from natural populations. However, the evidence of this process, reflecting its intensity at different stages of gonad development, is not as distinct as in females migrating to spawn. Possible reasons for high levels of the studied physiological and biochemical parameters in blood of females of the hybrid after the end of their artificial wintering are discussed.




××白鹭杂种雌性性腺成熟过程中血液和尿液生理生化参数的动态变化(Acipenser ruthenus L.,1758× Huso huso研究了使用CWSI技术生长的L.(1758)。结果表明,使用该技术后,雌性杂种的性腺发育伴随的功能变化会出现特征,从而使其与自然种群中的鱼类区别开来。同时,旨在形成配子的生殖交换的方向通常与自然种群中的雌性相同。然而,这一过程的证据反映出其在性腺发育不同阶段的强度,并不像雌性迁移到产卵中那样明显。讨论了在人工越冬结束后,杂种雌性血液中所研究的生理和生化参数水平较高的可能原因。
