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Study on the background and trust factors of willing-to-buy the energy option
Asia Pacific Management Review Pub Date : 2019-09-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.apmrv.2018.07.004
Yean-Fu Wen , Yi-Ting Hwang

Abstract Nowadays, the cost of renewable energy generation is higher than the traditional nuclear and thermal power. To enhance the development of renewable energy, such as solar power and wind power, the concept of green option is available for subscribers. Yet this does not guarantee that the subscribers are supplied with energy generated from renewable sources. This may undermine the trust and relationships some subscribers, who might be environmentalists, may have with their power providers. However, several trust factors, intermittent green energy generation, unreal supply green energy to the subscribers, unfavorable energy policy, and Skepticism towards renewable energy, are deemed to affect the willingness to buy energy option. This work surveyed the relationship between background of customers and their acceptance, as well as their belief in green option.


