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Relational study of wise (phronetic) leadership, knowledge management capability, and innovation performance
Asia Pacific Management Review Pub Date : 2019-12-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.apmrv.2018.10.005
Weixu Ding , Eugene Choi , Atsushi Aoyama

Abstract The word ‘Phronesis' is from Greek, which describes a kind of practical wisdom. As innovation is regarded as a panacea for organizational development, this research explores the practical wisdom to improve corporate innovation performance. Our research is based on Nonaka's explanation of wise (phronetic) leadership and uses empirical methods to verify the correlation of wise leadership and innovation performance. 144 valid samples have been applied for analyzing. The research results illustrate that wise leadership has positive effects on organizational innovation performance. Moreover, Knowledge management (KM) capability has been evidenced in this research having part mediating effect between wise leadership and innovation performance. This study also summarizes limitations and points out the direction for future research.



摘要“ Phronesis”一词来自希腊语,描述了一种实践智慧。由于创新被视为组织发展的灵丹妙药,因此本研究探索了提高公司创新绩效的实践智慧。我们的研究基于野中对明智(领导)领导力的解释,并使用经验方法来验证明智领导与创新绩效之间的关系。144个有效样本已用于分析。研究结果表明,明智的领导对组织创新绩效具有积极影响。此外,本研究已证明知识管理(KM)能力在明智的领导力与创新绩效之间具有部分中介作用。这项研究还总结了局限性,并指出了未来研究的方向。