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An Illegitimate Offspring: South Sea Islanders, Queensland Sugar, and the Heirs of the British Atlantic Slave Complex
History Workshop Journal ( IF 1.109 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-20 , DOI: 10.1093/hwj/dbaa018
Emma Christopher 1

This article argues that Pacific Islander labour in Australia was not analogous to earlier Atlantic world slavery and can better be understood as its ‘illegitimate offspring’. Through case studies that connect the Caribbean to Australia, it reveals how the idea of Pacific Islander labour was forged in an environment where the abolitionist battle had been won, but where the interconnected and changing racial constructions of the time, and arguments about what constituted free labour, were very much ongoing. Money, values and personnel moved from the Caribbean and Mauritius to Australia, as explored through the stories of James Williams, a convict of African origin who grew Australia’s first sugar, and Benjamin Boyd, the son of an Atlantic slave trader who first introduced Pacific Islanders to Australia. The final case study is that of Louis Hope, whose mother’s family, the Wedderburns, had previously gained considerable notoriety in the Atlantic world for the way that they treated their enslaved people. Hope was the first person in Australia to employ a large Pacific Islander workforce on his sugar plantation.



本文认为,澳大利亚的太平洋岛民劳工与早期的大西洋世界奴隶制并不相似,可以更好地理解为其“非法后代”。通过将加勒比海地区与澳大利亚连接起来的案例研究,它揭示了太平洋岛民劳工的思想是如何在废奴主义斗争获胜,但当时相互联系和不断变化的种族结构以及关于什么构成自由的争论中形成的。劳动,正在进行中。金钱,价值和人员从加勒比海和毛里求斯迁移到澳大利亚,这些故事是通过非洲裔定罪犯詹姆斯·威廉姆斯(James Williams)的故事探索的,他种植了澳大利亚的第一批糖,而大西洋奴隶贩子的儿子本杰明·博伊德的本杰明·博伊德(Benjamin Boyd)则首次介绍了太平洋岛民。到澳大利亚。最后的案例研究是路易斯·霍普(Louis Hope)的研究,她的母亲的家人韦德本斯(Wedderburns)以前在大西洋世界因对待被奴役者的方式而声名狼藉。霍普(Hope)是澳大利亚第一个在太平洋糖厂雇用大量太平洋岛民劳动力的人。