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Phragmén's Voting Methods and Justified Representation
arXiv - CS - Computer Science and Game Theory Pub Date : 2021-02-24 , DOI: arxiv-2102.12305
Markus Brill, Rupert Freeman, Svante Janson, Martin Lackner

In the late 19th century, Swedish mathematician Lars Edvard Phragm\'{e}n proposed a load-balancing approach for selecting committees based on approval ballots. We consider three committee voting rules resulting from this approach: two optimization variants -- one minimizing the maximal load and one minimizing the variance of loads -- and a sequential variant. We study Phragm\'{e}n's methods from an axiomatic point of view, focusing on properties capturing proportional representation. We show that the sequential variant satisfies proportional justified representation, which is a rare property for committee monotonic methods. Moreover, we show that the optimization variants satisfy perfect representation. We also analyze the computational complexity of Phragm\'{e}n's methods and provide mixed-integer programming based algorithms for computing them.



在19世纪后期,瑞典数学家Lars Edvard Phragm'{e} n提出了一种基于批准投票来选择委员会的负载平衡方法。我们考虑了这种方法产生的三项委员会投票规则:两个优化变体(一个最小化最大负载,一个最小化负载变化)和一个顺序变体。我们从公理的角度研究Phragm'{e} n的方法,重点是捕获比例表示的属性。我们表明,顺序变体满足比例合理的表示形式,这是委员会单调方法的罕见属性。此外,我们证明了优化变体可以满足完美的表示形式。我们还分析了Phragm \'{e} n'的计​​算复杂度