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Fault reactivation and propagation in the northern Adamello pluton: The structure and kinematics of a kilometre-scale seismogenic source
Tectonophysics ( IF 2.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-25 , DOI: 10.1016/j.tecto.2021.228790
Silvia Mittempergher , Andrea Zanchi , Stefano Zanchetta , Martino Fumagalli , Konstantin Gukov , Andrea Bistacchi

The northern Adamello batholith (European Southern Alps) is crosscut by E-W trending pseudotachylyte-bearing paleoseismic fault zones composed of multiple subparallel fault strands. The main faults are the Gole Strette Fault Zone (GSFZ), here discussed in detail, and the Gole Larghe Fault Zone (GLFZ). The western ending of the GSFZ intersects the propagation of the Gallinera Thrust, a regional structure of Late Cretaceous age, which was truncated and dismembered by the late Eocene - early Oligocene emplacement of the Adamello batholith. Fault slip analysis and paleostress reconstruction suggest that the GSFZ and the Gallinera Thrust were both active during dextral transpression related with Oligocene orogen-parallel shearing along the Periadriatic Fault System. The remnants of the Gallinera Thrust within the Adamello were reactivated as dextral-reverse faults and do not include pseudotachylytes. The pseudotachylyte-bearing GSFZ shows changing structural features from west to east: the fault dip angle decreases from 80° to 45°, the slip vector passes from strike-slip (pitch of 20°) to oblique (pitch of 35° to 45°), and the fault zone thickness increases (> 800 m at the intersection with the GLFZ). The GSFZ is an immature and strong fault as indicated by (i) the local geometry controlled by precursor joints; (ii) the along-strike segmentation; and (iii) the spread of seismogenic faults into wide fault zones.



北部的Adamello岩基层(欧洲南部的阿尔卑斯山)被EW趋势的含假单斜线的古地震断层带横切,该断层带由多个平行的断层股线组成。主要断层是此处详细讨论的Gole Strette断层带(GSFZ)和Gole Larghe断层带(GLFZ)。GSFZ的西端与白垩纪晚期的区域构造Gallinera推力的传播相交,被始新世晚期-阿达梅洛基岩的渐新世早期侵入所截断和破坏。断层滑移分析和古应力重建表明,在与渐新世造山带平行切变作用有关的沿古生代断裂系统的右旋压转中,GSFZ和Gallinera逆冲都活跃。Adamello内Gallinera冲断的残余物被重新激活为右旋逆断层,并且不包括假速溶质。含假滑质的GSFZ从西向东显示出变化的结构特征:断层倾角从80°减小到45°,滑移矢量从走滑(俯仰20°)变为倾斜(俯仰35°至45°) ),并且断层带厚度增加(在与GLFZ的相交处> 800 m)。GSFZ是一个不成熟且强烈的断层,如以下所示:(i)由前驱接头控制的局部几何形状;(ii)沿线分割;(iii)发震断层向广泛的断层带扩散。滑动矢量从走滑(俯仰角为20°)到倾斜(俯仰角为35°至45°)之间,断层带厚度增加(在与GLFZ相交处> 800 m)。GSFZ是一个不成熟且强烈的断层,如以下所示:(i)由前驱接头控制的局部几何形状;(ii)沿线分割;(iii)发震断层向广泛的断层带扩散。滑动矢量从走滑(俯仰角为20°)到倾斜(俯仰角为35°至45°)之间,断层带厚度增加(在与GLFZ相交处> 800 m)。GSFZ是一个不成熟且强烈的断层,如以下所示:(i)由前驱接头控制的局部几何形状;(ii)沿线分割;(iii)发震断层向广泛的断层带扩散。
