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Translating Culture: Framing Indigenous Knowledge Through Architecture
Architectural Design Pub Date : 2019-04-01 , DOI: 10.1002/ad.2443
Martyn Hook

Can architecture contribute to equality and reconciliation of indigenous peoples? Having worked with Aboriginal communities for over two decades on a series of typologies across Western Australia, architects iredale pedersen hook have recently contributed to a major scheme for the heart of Perths central business district. Yagan Squares spatial framework is informed by the substantial historical research and public engagement that are at the heart of their method, bringing Indigenous and non-Indigenous people together. Martyn Hook, a co-director of the practice and Dean of the School of Architecture and Urban Design at Melbournes RMIT University, explains.



建筑能否促进土著人民的平等与和解?建筑师iredale pedersen hook在与西澳大利亚州原住民社区合作了二十多年之后,最近为珀斯中央商务区的心脏地带制定了一项重大计划。Yagan Squares空间框架的基础是大量的历史研究和公众参与,这是他们方法的核心,它将土著和非土著人民聚在一起。墨尔本皇家墨尔本理工大学建筑与城市设计学院院长兼实践副主任马丁·胡克(Martyn Hook)解释说。