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Senior Leaders in Small Enterprises: Insights Into the Field of Entrepreneurship
Industrial and Organizational Psychology ( IF 15.8 ) Pub Date : 2018-12-27 , DOI: 10.1017/iop.2018.128
Chao Miao , Shanshan Qian , Ronald H. Humphrey

The focal article (Reynolds, McCauley, Tsacoumis, and the Jeanneret Symposium Participants, 2018) reviewed and discussed the challenges, practices, and opportunities for the assessment and development for senior leaders. They summarized a set of accepted wisdom for assessing senior leaders in the areas of assessment criteria, contexts, and implementation, and meanwhile, pointed out what should be explored and done in the future. One of the central premises of the focal article seems to be built on the assumption that organizations may have sufficient resources to follow the accepted wisdom to ensure the quality and effectiveness of assessment and development for senior leaders. In addition, most, if not all, of the research findings summarized and discussed in the focal article may be based on the studies under the context of established companies. Hence, whether the implications and suggestions from the focal article can generalize to small enterprises remain an open question. For example, a typical small enterprise in the United States is a company capitalized with about $25,000 (Shane, 2009). Most of these enterprises are highly centralized, have negative cash flow, and have troubles in securing cash and in obtaining customer acceptance (Rutherford & Buller, 2007). Thus, these companies may not be able to follow the accepted wisdom as recommended in the focal article. We realize that some small businesses and start-ups are extremely well funded, so our following comments apply only to those small enterprises with scarce resources.



重点文章(Reynolds、McCauley、Tsacoumis 和 Jeanneret Symposium Participants,2018 年)回顾并讨论了高级领导者评估和发展的挑战、实践和机遇。他们在评估标准、背景和实施等方面总结了一套公认的评估高层领导的智慧,同时指出了未来应该探索和做的事情。这篇焦点文章的中心前提之一似乎是建立在这样的假设之上:组织可能有足够的资源来遵循公认的智慧,以确保高级领导者评估和发展的质量和有效性。此外,在焦点文章中总结和讨论的大多数(如果不是全部)研究结果可能基于在成熟公司背景下的研究。因此,这篇焦点文章的含义和建议是否可以推广到小企业仍然是一个悬而未决的问题。例如,美国一家典型的小企业是一家资本金约为 25,000 美元的公司(Shane,2009 年)。这些企业中的大多数高度集中,现金流为负,在获得现金和获得客户认可方面存在困难(Rutherford & Buller,2007)。因此,这些公司可能无法遵循焦点文章中推荐的公认智慧。我们意识到一些小企业和初创企业的资金非常充足,因此我们的以下评论仅适用于那些资源稀缺的小企业。美国一家典型的小型企业是一家资本金约为 25,000 美元的公司(Shane,2009 年)。这些企业中的大多数高度集中,现金流为负,在获得现金和获得客户认可方面存在困难(Rutherford & Buller,2007)。因此,这些公司可能无法遵循焦点文章中推荐的公认智慧。我们意识到一些小企业和初创企业的资金非常充足,因此我们的以下评论仅适用于那些资源稀缺的小企业。美国一家典型的小型企业是一家资本金约为 25,000 美元的公司(Shane,2009 年)。这些企业中的大多数高度集中,现金流为负,在获得现金和获得客户认可方面存在困难(Rutherford & Buller,2007)。因此,这些公司可能无法遵循焦点文章中推荐的公认智慧。我们意识到一些小企业和初创企业的资金非常充足,因此我们的以下评论仅适用于那些资源稀缺的小企业。这些公司可能无法遵循焦点文章中推荐的公认智慧。我们意识到一些小企业和初创企业的资金非常充足,因此我们的以下评论仅适用于那些资源稀缺的小企业。这些公司可能无法遵循焦点文章中推荐的公认智慧。我们意识到一些小企业和初创企业的资金非常充足,因此我们的以下评论仅适用于那些资源稀缺的小企业。