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Reflecting and Confessing in the Spirit
International Review of Mission Pub Date : 2016-11-01 , DOI: 10.1111/irom.12142
Amos Yong

The Arusha, Tanzania, 2018 World Mission Conference theme, “Moving in the Spirit: Called to Transforming Discipleship,” can be read from one perspective as acknowledging the continued growth and expansion of pentecostal and charismatic movements across the world Christian stage, especially in the majority world. Such ongoing developments beg the question of whether pentecostal and charismatic renewal has anything to contribute to global mission theology and theologizing in the present time. This essay suggests that the Spirit-filled and empowered life invites a pneumatological imagination, hermeneutic, and theological method that carves out a via media between a fundamentalistic scripturalism that neglects the ongoing work of the Spirit on the one side, and a subjectivistic experientialism that is untethered to the biblical and theological tradition on the other. Such an approach will be exemplified – not just laid out propositionally (or “scientifically,” in the old tradition of hermeneutics, understood as the science of interpretation) – in light of the Day of Pentecost narrative as recorded in the book of Acts.



坦桑尼亚阿鲁沙 2018 年世界宣教大会的主题“在灵里行动:呼召转变门徒”,可以从一个角度解读为承认五旬节和灵恩运动在世界基督教舞台上的持续增长和扩张,特别是在多数世界。这种持续的发展引出了一个问题,即五旬节和灵恩更新是否对当今的全球宣教神学和神学有任何贡献。这篇文章表明,被圣灵充满和被赋予能力的生活邀请了一种气动想象、诠释学和神学方法,在一种忽略圣灵正在进行的工作的基要主义圣经主义之间开辟了一种媒介,以及一种不受圣经和神学传统束缚的主观经验主义。根据使徒行传中记载的五旬节叙事,这种方法将得到例证——不仅仅是命题(或“科学地”,在古老的诠释学传统中,被理解为解释的科学)。