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“As Long as It Sparkles!”: The Diamond Industry in Nineteenth-Century Amsterdam
Jewish Social Studies Pub Date : 2017-01-01 , DOI: 10.2979/jewisocistud.22.2.02
Saskia Coenen Snyder

Abstract:After the discovery of vast diamond deposits in South Africa in 1869, the transatlantic trade in diamonds accelerated precipitously. The majority of extracted rough stones were sent via London to Amsterdam, where they were cleaved, cut, and polished by working-class Jews and non-Jews in factories across the city. The diamond became highly significant in nineteenth-century Amsterdam Jewish life, providing economic sustenance to a solid 50 percent of the Jewish population who prepared diamonds as articles of conspicuous consumption to meet the sharp rise in demand from foreign, bourgeois customers. Manufacturing and trade also stimulated Jewish socioeconomic mobility and the formation of the prominent Dutch Diamond Workers’ Union (the ANDB), the largest labor organization in the Netherlands.


“只要它闪闪发光!”:19 世纪阿姆斯特丹的钻石业

摘要:1869 年南非发现巨大的钻石矿床后,跨大西洋钻石贸易急剧加速。大部分提取的原石通过伦敦送到阿姆斯特丹,在那里由工人阶级的犹太人和非犹太人在全市的工厂中切割、切割和抛光。钻石在 19 世纪阿姆斯特丹犹太人的生活中变得非常重要,为 50% 的犹太人提供了经济支持,他们准备钻石作为炫耀性消费的物品,以满足外国资产阶级客户急剧增长的需求。制造业和贸易也刺激了犹太人的社会经济流动和著名的荷兰钻石工人工会 (ANDB) 的形成,这是荷兰最大的劳工组织。