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Dietrich Bonhoeffer and the necessity of kenosis for scriptural hermeneutics
Scottish Journal of Theology Pub Date : 2018-11-01 , DOI: 10.1017/s0036930618000625
Nadine Hamilton

It is the argument of this article that Dietrich Bonhoeffer's hermeneutical approach understands creaturely existence to be truly held by the Word made flesh as the risen Christ, who is still wholly human and therefore truly present in creation. Therefore, this article argues with Dietrich Bonhoeffer that, for a viable theological hermeneutics, it is critically necessary to consider the kenotic movement of the risen Christ, not only for a proper understanding of holy scripture in its genuine humanness, but also for an understanding of the new creation as taking place in reconciled creatures through the Word.


迪特里希·鲍霍弗(Dietrich Bonhoeffer)和经皮诠释学必须接受kenosis的必要性

本文的论点是,迪特里希·邦霍弗的诠释学方法将生物的存在理解为由被造为肉身的复活的基督真正地持有,作为复活的基督,他仍然是全人类,因此真正存在于创造中。因此,本文与Dietrich Bonhoeffer争论说,对于一种可行的神学诠释学,至关重要的是必须考虑复活的基督的kenotic运动,这不仅是为了正确理解圣经的真实人性,而且是为了理解圣经。新创造是通过圣言在和解的生物中发生的。