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In Search of a Samaritan: The Risk-Taking Motif in Luke 10:30–35 as a Paradigm for African Socio-Economic Development
Neotestamentica Pub Date : 2018-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/neo.2018.0019
Mbengu D. Nyiawung

Abstract:This article relates Luke 10:30–35 to the situation of Africa in her drive from a state of underdevelopment to a state of development. From the perspective of African Biblical Interpretation, the model of risk-bearing or risk-taking is used to illustrate and interpret Africa's present state of misery. The article suggests that two important requirements are needed for Africa to relocate herself on her initial trajectory and thus complete her journey: the need for a "risk-taking Samaritan" (or simply, a "risk-taking" or "good Sama") and the need to ask the right questions. The article concludes that African success greatly depends on the question "To whom am I a neighbour?"


寻找撒玛利亚人:路加福音 10:30-35 中的冒险主题作为非洲社会经济发展的范式

摘要:本文将路加福音 10:30-35 与非洲从不发达状态转变为发展状态的情况相关联。从非洲圣经解释的角度,风险承担或冒险的模型被用来说明和解释非洲目前的苦难状态。文章提出,非洲需要两个重要的条件才能重新定位自己的初始轨迹并完成她的旅程:需要一个“敢于冒险的撒玛利亚人”(或简称为“敢于冒险”或“好萨玛”)以及提出正确问题的必要性。文章的结论是,非洲的成功在很大程度上取决于“我是谁的邻居?”这个问题。