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Human and Non-Human Creation and Its Redemption in Paul's Letter to the Romans
Neotestamentica Pub Date : 2017-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/neo.2017.0014
Christoph Stenschke

Abstract:This article combines insights into Paul's understanding of creation in Romans that have been discussed intensively (1:19–23; 8:19–23) with fresh insights regarding creation in Romans 3–5, the link between the creative Spirit and all of creation in Romans 8:1–17, and the implications of the eschatological salvation of all Israel that Paul announces in Romans 11:26–27 for the rest of creation. Despite the current interest in creation theology, the full implications of Romans 11 for all of creation have hitherto hardly been noticed. The combination of all the explicit and implicit references to creation and, in its wake, a broader perspective on and for the non-human part of creation is the original contribution of this research. In this way, Paul's much studied "environmental mantra" of Romans 8:19–23 is placed in the larger context in which it must be read, leading to a more comprehensive understanding of creation and salvation.



摘要:这篇文章结合了保罗对罗马书中创造的理解的见解(1:19-23; 8:19-23)与罗马书 3-5 中关于创造的新见解,创造之灵与所有事物之间的联系。罗马书 8:1-17 中的创造,以及保罗在罗马书 11:26-27 中宣布的所有以色列的末世救恩对其余创造的影响。尽管目前对创造神学很感兴趣,但迄今为止,几乎没有人注意到罗马书 11 章对所有创造的全部含义。对创造的所有显性和隐性参考的结合,以及随之而来的对非人类创造部分的更广泛的看法,是这项研究的原始贡献。这样,保罗对罗马书第 8 章的“环境咒语”进行了大量研究: