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What Isaiah Has to Say about the Curse of the Law in Galatians 3:10
Neotestamentica Pub Date : 2018-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/neo.2018.0007
Young Namgung

Abstract:Galatians 3:10 is a crux interpretum in Pauline studies. This article argues in favour of the traditional reading of this text, against more recent proposals by representatives of the New Perspective on Paul. It does so by focusing specifically on echoes to Isa 52:13–53:12, also known as the Fourth Servant Song, in the Letter to the Galatians. With these echoes, it is argued, Paul supplied the readers with sufficient information to understand Gal 3:10 correctly.


以赛亚对加拉太书 3:10 中律法的诅咒有什么看法

摘要:加拉太书 3:10 是保罗研究的关键解释。这篇文章主张支持对这段经文的传统阅读,反对保罗新观点代表最近提出的建议。它通过特别关注对加拉太人的书信中以赛亚书 52:13-53:12(也称为第四仆人之歌)的回声来做到这一点。有人认为,通过这些回声,保罗为读者提供了足够的信息,使他们能够正确理解加 3:10。