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Hate Crime Legislation Reconsidered
Metaphilosophy Pub Date : 2016-10-01 , DOI: 10.1111/meta.12206
Marcia Baron 1

In “Is Penalty Enhancement a Sound Idea?” Claudia Card calls into question hate crime legislation, querying whether hatred makes a crime worse, whether hatred of the sort pertinent to hate crimes is worse than a more personal hatred, and whether the message sent by hate crime legislation is the intended message. This essay questions her assumption that penalty enhancement for hate crimes is warranted only if the crimes are worse than otherwise similar crimes that do not count as hate crimes. Instead, it may be the case that it is the proper business of the state to take a particular interest in such crimes, in part because they enact not just any hatred but civic hatred. And if hate crimes are understood as enacting civic hatred, hate crime legislation can indeed serve to counter a message that very much needs to be countered.



在“惩罚增强是一个合理的想法吗?” Claudia Card 质疑仇恨犯罪立法,询问仇恨是否使犯罪变得更糟,与仇恨犯罪相关的仇恨是否比更个人的仇恨更糟糕,以及仇恨犯罪立法所传递的信息是否是预期的信息。这篇文章质疑她的假设,即只有在仇恨犯罪比其他类似犯罪更严重的情况下,才需要对仇恨犯罪加重刑罚。取而代之的是,对此类犯罪采取特别的兴趣可能是国家的正当职责,部分原因是它们不仅引发了任何仇恨,而且引发了公民仇恨。如果仇恨犯罪被理解为引发公民仇恨,那么仇恨犯罪立法确实可以用来反击一个非常需要反击的信息。