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Giovanni Battista Montini (Paul VI) and the modern world, 1925-33. Part I
Religion Compass Pub Date : 2017-09-01 , DOI: 10.1111/rec3.12240
Dagnino Jorge 1

The following article analyses the relationship between Giovanni Battista Montini (Paul VI) and the modern world during his years at the Federazione Universitaria Cattolica Italiana (FUCI). Contrary to what has been suggested by scholars of the subject, it is argued in the following pages that the line followed by Montini and the FUCI during the 1925–33 period was one characterised to a large extent by a spirit of condemnation of the modern world and modernity more generally, a spirit fuelled by an intransigent spirit of restoration of a Catholic Europe, and animated by a vision of and ideological and totalising Catholicism.



下面的文章分析了乔瓦尼·巴蒂斯塔·蒙蒂尼(Paul VI)和费迪亚齐内塔大学意大利分校(FUCI)在他任职期间的现代世界之间的关系。与该主题的学者所提出的观点相反,在随后的几页中,人们认为蒙蒂尼和FUCI在1925-33年间所遵循的路线在很大程度上是对现代世界的一种谴责精神。在更广泛的意义上讲,是一种现代性,这种精神是由欧洲天主教徒恢复不屈不挠的精神所激发的,并且由对天主教的思想,意识形态和全面的思想所激发。