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Practical Ethics Given Moral Uncertainty
Utilitas Pub Date : 2019-04-10 , DOI: 10.1017/s0953820819000013
William MacAskill

A number of philosophers have claimed that we should take not just empirical uncertainty but also fundamental moral uncertainty into account in our decision-making, and that, despite widespread moral disagreement, doing so would allow us to draw robust lessons for some issues in practical ethics. In this article, I argue that, so far, the implications for practical ethics have been drawn too simplistically. First, the implications of moral uncertainty for normative ethics are far more wide-ranging than has been noted so far. Second, one can't straightforwardly argue from moral uncertainty to particular conclusions in practical ethics, both because of ‘interaction’ effects between moral issues, and because of the variety of different possible intertheoretic comparisons that one can reasonably endorse.



许多哲学家声称,在我们的决策中,我们不仅应该考虑经验的不确定性,还应该考虑基本的道德不确定性,尽管存在广泛的道德分歧,但这样做可以让我们为实践伦理中的一些问题吸取强有力的教训. 在这篇文章中,我认为,到目前为止,对实践伦理的影响已经过于简单化了。首先,道德不确定性对规范伦理的影响比迄今为止所指出的要广泛得多。其次,人们不能直接从道德不确定性到实践伦理中的特定结论进行论证,这既是因为道德问题之间的“相互作用”效应,也是因为人们可以合理地认可的各种不同的可能的理论间比较。