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War Criminals and Other “Ordinary Men”: A Case Report†
International Journal of Applied Psychoanalytic Studies Pub Date : 2016-03-02 , DOI: 10.1002/aps.1486
George Hough 1 , Stuart W. Twemlow 1

The authors provide a psychological portrait of Milan Lukic, a convicted war criminal, whose case was convened at the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia at The Hague. Such in-depth case studies are rare in the study of war criminals and unique to the study of war criminals associated with the Bosnian conflict. The authors relied upon extensive psychological interviews and psychological testing conducted over a series of days with Lukic and a review of extensive background records to create this psychological portrait. The evaluation data indicate that Lukic was found to be essentially “normal” psychologically, consistent with prior studies of war criminals who were also found to be psychologically normal and legally sane. Our findings contribute to the refutation of the so-called Nazi personality hypothesis that emerged after World War II. There was no evidence from Lukic's developmental history that would be predictive of his war crimes behavior before the outbreak of the Bosnian conflict. The authors hypothesize that Lukic's war crimes behavior was, in part, a by-product of the breakdown of the social and moral order that occurred in Bosnia. His ruthless and sadistic behaviors that were manifest after he entered the war suggest an emergent atypical pattern of psychopathic behaviors which manifested under conditions of extreme social and moral duress and which were also reinforced by blind obedience to authority. The authors advocate that future studies of war criminals include an examination of personality as embedded within a particularized social and historical context. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.



作者提供了米兰卢基奇的心理画像,他是一名被定罪的战犯,他的案件在海牙的前南斯拉夫问题国际刑事法庭开庭审理。这种深入的案例研究在战争罪犯的研究中是罕见的,也是与波斯尼亚冲突相关的战争罪犯的研究所独有的。作者依赖于对卢基奇进行了数天的大量心理访谈和心理测试,以及对大量背景记录的审查,以创建这幅心理画像。评估数据表明,卢基奇被发现在心理上基本上是“正常”的,这与之前对战犯的研究一致,这些战犯也被发现在心理上和法律上都是正常的。我们的发现有助于驳斥二战后出现的所谓纳粹人格假说。从卢基奇的发展史中没有任何证据可以预测他在波斯尼亚冲突爆发前的战争罪行行为。作者假设卢基奇的战争罪行行为部分是波斯尼亚社会和道德秩序崩溃的副产品。他参战后表现出的无情和虐待狂的行为表明了一种新兴的非典型精神病行为模式,这种行为表现在极端社会和道德胁迫的条件下,并且还因对权威的盲目服从而得到加强。作者主张,未来对战犯的研究包括对嵌入在特定社会和历史背景中的人格进行检查。版权所有 © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.