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Immortality: The quest to live forever and how it drives civilization by Stephen Cave New York: Crown publishers, 2012.
International Journal of Applied Psychoanalytic Studies Pub Date : 2017-11-28 , DOI: 10.1002/aps.1548
Gurmehr Kaur 1

Who wants to live forever? According to Stephen Cave, we all do—every single one of us. And the evidence is all around. Eluding the Grim Reaper is humanityʼs oldest and most pervasive wish. It is embedded in our very nature and provides the real driving force behind every aspect of human civilisation: science, agriculture, architecture, religion, the arts, fame and family. From freeing your soul to freezing your brain, all these attempts to defy death fall into four simple categories—the four paths to immortality.


永生:追求永生以及它如何推动文明 纽约斯蒂芬凯夫:皇冠出版商,2012 年。

谁想永远活着?根据斯蒂芬·凯夫 (Stephen Cave) 的说法,我们都这样做——我们每一个人。证据无处不在。逃避死神是人类最古老、最普遍的愿望。它植根于我们的本性,为人类文明的各个方面提供真正的驱动力:科学、农业、建筑、宗教、艺术、名望和家庭。从解放你的灵魂到冻结你的大脑,所有这些对抗死亡的尝试都分为四个简单的类别——通往永生的四种途径。