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The Transition to the Knowledge Economy, Labor Market Institutions, and Income Inequality in Advanced Democracies
World Politics ( IF 2.605 ) Pub Date : 2019-03-12 , DOI: 10.1017/s0043887118000333
David Hope , Angelo Martelli

The transition from Fordism to the knowledge economy in the world’s advanced democracies was underpinned by the revolution in information and communications technology (ict). The introduction and rapid diffusion of ict pushed up wages for college-educated workers with complementary skills and allowed top managers and CEOs to reap greater rewards for their own talents. Despite these common pressures, income inequality did not rise to the same extent everywhere; income in the Anglo-Saxon countries remains particularly unequally distributed. To shed new light on this puzzle, the authors carry out a panel data analysis of eighteen oecd countries between 1970 and 2007. Their analysis stands apart from the existing empirical literature by taking a comparative perspective. The article examines the extent to which the relationship between the knowledge economy and income inequality is influenced by national labor market institutions. The authors find that the expansion of knowledge employment is positively associated with both the 90/10 wage ratio and the income share of the top 1 percent, but that these effects are mitigated by the presence of strong labor market institutions, such as coordinated wage bargaining, strict employment protection legislation, high union density, and high collective bargaining coverage. The authors provide robust evidence against the argument that industrial relations systems are no longer important safeguards of wage solidarity in the knowledge economy.



世界先进民主国家从福特主义向知识经济的转变,得到了信息和通信技术革命的支持(信通技术)。的引入和快速传播信通技术提高了具有互补技能的受过大学教育的工人的工资,并使高层管理人员和首席执行官能够从自己的才能中获得更大的回报。尽管有这些共同的压力,但收入不平等并没有在所有地方都达到同样的程度。盎格鲁-撒克逊国家的收入分配仍然特别不均。为了阐明这个难题,作者对 18 个经合组织1970 年至 2007 年之间的国家。他们的分析从比较的角度与现有的实证文献不同。本文考察了知识经济与收入不平等之间的关系在多大程度上受国家劳动力市场制度的影响。作者发现,知识就业的扩大与 90/10 的工资比率和前 1% 的收入份额呈正相关,但这些影响因强大的劳动力市场制度的存在而得到缓解,例如协调工资谈判、严格的就业保护立法、高工会密度和高集体谈判覆盖率。作者提供了有力的证据来反驳劳资关系系统不再是知识经济中工资团结的重要保障这一论点。