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Organising knowledge generation and dissemination in the Dutch high-water protection programme – a sender-receiver approach
Knowledge Management Research & Practice ( IF 3.054 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-23 , DOI: 10.1080/14778238.2021.1886617
Michael Duijn 1 , Heleen Vreugdenhil 2 , Stephanie Janssen 2 , Ellen Tromp 2 , Gerald Jan Ellen 2


In 2012 the Dutch High-Water Protection Programme (HWPP) was initiated. This programme prioritised dike strengthening projects for the near future with a yearly budget of around 350 million Euros. A safety assessment 2011–2013 indicated the need to strengthen 748 km of dikes. To achieve this, it was recognised that generation and dissemination of state-of-the-art-knowledge was necessary. For this purpose, four Spatial and Technical Research Projects (STRPs) were initiated. The challenge for these STRPs is to generate and disseminate the developed knowledge that is relevant for other dike strengthening projects within the HWPP. This paper examines whether the STRPs have successfully undertaken activities to generate and disseminate new knowledge to relevant stakeholders. We examine how the generation and dissemination of knowledge from the STRPs to the HWPP-projects and water management organisations in the Netherlands took place and might be further facilitated.




2012 年,荷兰启动了高水位保护计划 (HWPP)。该计划优先考虑近期的堤防加固项目,年度预算约为 3.5 亿欧元。2011-2013 年的安全评估表明需要加固 748 公里的堤坝。为实现这一目标,人们认识到最先进的知识的产生和传播是必要的。为此,启动了四个空间和技术研究项目(STRP)。这些 STRP 面临的挑战是生成和传播与 HWPP 内其他堤坝加固项目相关的已开发知识。本文考察了 STRP 是否成功地开展了向相关利益相关者传播和传播新知识的活动。
