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The Experience of Situations Before and During a COVID-19 Shelter-at-Home Period
Social Psychological and Personality Science ( IF 5.316 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-24 , DOI: 10.1177/1948550620985388
David C. Funder 1 , Daniel I. Lee 1 , Erica Baranski 2 , Gwendolyn Gardiner 3

Undergraduate participants described their experience of an ordinary situation before (N = 544) and during (N = 123) a COVID-19 shelter-at-home period using the Riverside Situational Q-sort (RSQ). They also rated the experience’s positivity and completed a Big Five Personality Inventory. RSQ items placed higher before the sheltering period included “new relationships could develop,” “femininity can be expressed,” and “talking is expected.” Items placed higher during the sheltering period included “family is important” and “people are disagreeing.” Average positivity ratings did not differ, but relatively positive ratings before sheltering correlated with Extraversion, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, and Openness; negative ratings correlated with Negative Emotionality. During sheltering, positive ratings again correlated with Agreeableness; negative ratings correlated with Conscientiousness. Sheltering conditions accentuated the importance of family, could lead to conflict, and limited opportunities for social interaction. Agreeableness was associated with positivity at both time periods; other traits varied in relevance as the situation changed.



本科生描述了他们在(N = 544)之前和(N= 123)使用河滨情境Q分类(RSQ)的COVID-19在家避难所。他们还对体验的积极性进行了评分,并完成了“五个大人物”调查问卷。在庇护期之前放置在较高位置的RSQ项目包括“可以发展新的关系”,“可以表达女性气质”和“可以进行交谈”。在庇护期间放置在较高位置的项目包括“家庭很重要”和“人们不同意”。平均阳性评分没有差异,但庇护前的相对阳性评分与外向性,宜人性,尽责性和开放性相关。负面评价与负面情绪相关。在庇护期间,积极的评价再次与愉快有关。负面评分与责任感相关。庇护条件突显了家庭的重要性,可能会导致冲突,以及社交互动的机会有限。在这两个时期,宜人性与积极性相关。其他特征随着情况的变化而变化。
