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Ecology Letters ( IF 8.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-24 , DOI: 10.1111/ele.13708

In ‘Microclimate limits thermal behaviour favourable to disease control in a nocturnal amphibian’ by Beukema et al., which was published in volume 4, issue 1 (January 2021), two input climate variables of the NicheMapR mechanistic model contained incorrect units. Specifically, (i) units of our cloud cover variable were in fractions, instead of percentages (%), and (ii) units of our precipitation variable were in meters per hour, instead of daily millimetres. The microdaily and soil BulkDensity parameter options were furthermore set at non‐optimum values.

We corrected the units of the two above‐mentioned input variables, set the soil bulk density parameter to 1.32 instead of 2.56 (i.e., half of soil density), and changed the microdaily parameter from 0 to 1 to connect the end and beginning of each day. The latter change also ensures that solar radiation for any given day of the month is not taken to be equal to that of the middle day of the month.

After re‐running the model and subsequent analyses, we found that simulated salamander steady‐state temperatures decreased slightly on average in the revised model, mainly as a result of updating the microdaily parameter. The updated model does not change the scientific conclusions of the article in any way, but, does call for a revision of Figure 4 to reflect the on average minor decrease in simulated salamander temperatures, and change in associated spatial predictions of Bsal growth. The corrected Figure 4 appears below, while Tables S3.1 and S3.2 (parameterization) and Figures S3.2 and S3.3 (validation) have been updated accordingly in the Supplementary Materials. We thank Prof. Dr. Michael Kearney (The University of Melbourne) for spotting this mistake and kindly providing advice during model correction and optimization.





重新运行模型并进行后续分析后,我们发现,修改后的模型中模拟sal的稳态温度平均略有下降,这主要是由于更新了微日参数所致。更新后的模型不会以任何方式改变本文的科学结论,但确实需要对图4进行修订,以反映模拟sal温度的平均小幅下降,以及Bsal的相关空间预测的变化生长。校正后的图4出现在下面,而表S3.1和S3.2(参数化)以及图S3.2和S3.3(验证)已在补充材料中进行了相应更新。我们感谢Michael Kearney博士(墨尔本大学)发现了这个错误,并在模型校正和优化过程中提供了有益的建议。
