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The clean energy transition of heating and cooling in touristic infrastructures using shallow geothermal energy in the Canary Islands
Renewable Energy ( IF 8.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-24 , DOI: 10.1016/j.renene.2021.02.105
Juan C. Santamarta , Alejandro García-Gil , María del Cristo Expósito , Elías Casañas , Noelia Cruz-Pérez , Jesica Rodríguez-Martín , Miguel Mejías-Moreno , Gregor Götzl , Vasiliki Gemeni

The Canary Island archipelago holds 2.2 million inhabitants and received more than 14 million tourist visitors in 2019. Its volcanic origin and the presence of recent volcanic activity highlight its potential geothermal interest for heat production, therefore offering an attractive pathway for a renewable energy supply, not only for power generation and deep geothermal exploitation but also for low-enthalpy heating and cooling production. This work investigates nine touristic infrastructures in the Canary Islands which experienced a transition from conventional heat production systems to shallow geothermal energy (SGE) systems. The SGE systems established consisted in ultra-low temperature district heating and cooling (DHC) micro-networks involving, in most cases, small apartment blocks fed by shallow geothermal plants with an average cooling capacity of 602 kW and a heating capacity of 614 kW. The examination of this transition has exhibited an average saving of 374 MWh, 69,235 € and 280 tCO2 for each installation every year. This work provides evidence of the economical, energetical and environmental advantages of SGE technology in volcanic islands facing both and enormous heating and cooling demand due to tourism, in an energy-dependent system that also faces the challenge of the decarbonization of the heating production sector.



加纳利群岛群岛在2019年拥有220万居民,接待了超过1400万游客。其火山起源和近期火山活动的存在凸显了其潜在的地热对热量产生的兴趣,因此为可再生能源供应提供了有吸引力的途径,而不是仅用于发电和深层地热开采,还用于低焓的供热和制冷生产。这项工作调查了加纳利群岛的9个旅游基础设施,这些基础设施经历了从传统的热力生产系统到浅层地热能(SGE)系统的过渡。建立的SGE系统包含超低温区域供热和制冷(DHC)微网络,在大多数情况下,其中包括:由浅层地热电厂供暖的小型公寓楼,平均制冷量为602 kW,供暖能力为614 kW。对这种过渡的检查显示出平均节省374 MWh,69,235€和280 tCO每年每次安装2个。这项工作证明了SGE技术在面对火山岛的经济,能源和环境方面的优势,同时又面临着旅游业对供暖和制冷的巨大需求,而在依赖能源的系统中,SGE技术也面临着供热生产部门脱碳的挑战。
