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Impact of logging on the biodiversity and composition of flora and fauna in the mangrove forests of Bintuni Bay, West Papua, Indonesia
Forest Ecology and Management ( IF 3.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-24 , DOI: 10.1016/j.foreco.2021.119038
Ruhuddien Pandu Yudha , Yoga Septian Sugito , Mériadec Sillanpää , Sandy Nurvianto

The mangrove ecosystem of Bintuni Bay, West Papua, Indonesia is one of the largest in the world covering more than 250,000 ha. In the southern part of the bay, ± 82,120 ha of mangroves and surrounding area is managed and harvested under a 30-year rotation cycle to produce wood chips, with strict compliance to sustainable forest management standards. Flora and fauna have been continuously monitored for a period of 10 years (2009–2018), to assess the effectiveness of environmental management programs on the biological aspect. Mangrove flora and fauna recorded in the area comprise 28 true mangrove species representing 11 families along with 103 birds (40 families), 9 reptiles (6 families) and 7 mammals (5 families). Results confirm previous studies that secondary mangrove forest shows significant growth and recovery, with 5 true mangrove species consistently becoming dominant species in primary and secondary mangrove forest. Logging on mangroves significantly impacted the biodiversity of flora as Rhizopora apiculata become more dominant in secondary forest covering 69% of total species composition. Abundance and diversity of fauna in secondary forest was higher in younger forests as compared to older stands. About 18% of total fauna individual was categorized as keystone species. Fauna composition was not significantly impacted by logging most likely due to the abundance of habitat (untouched forest) remaining in the surrounding harvest area. With appropriate environmental management programs, impact of logging on mangrove forest can be minimized and the ecosystem could be restored effectively to provide adequate habitat for flora and fauna.



印度尼西亚西巴布亚的宾图尼湾的红树林生态系统是世界上最大的红树林生态系统之一,占地超过25万公顷。在海湾的南部,经过30年的轮换周期,对±82,120公顷的红树林及其周围地区进行管理和采伐,以生产木片,并严格遵守可持续森林管理标准。对动植物群进行了连续10年(2009-2018年)的监测,以评估生物学方面的环境管理计划的有效性。该地区记录的红树林动植物包括28个真正的红树林物种,分别代表11个科,103个鸟类(40个科),9个爬行动物(6个科)和7个哺乳动物(5个科)。结果证实了先前的研究,即次生红树林显示出明显的生长和恢复 5种真正的红树林物种一直成为主要和次要红树林中的优势树种。砍伐红树林严重影响了植物区系的生物多样性。根瘤菌在次生林中占主导地位,占物种总数的69%。与老林相比,年轻林中次生林动物的丰富度和多样性更高。大约18%的动物区系被归类为主要物种。伐木对动物区系的影响没有很大的影响,这很可能是由于周围收割区剩余了大量的栖息地(原始森林)。通过适当的环境管理计划,可以将砍伐红树林的影响降到最低,并可以有效地恢复生态系统,为动植物群提供充足的栖息地。
