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Rhythm pattern discrimination by primary school students
Research Studies in Music Education Pub Date : 2020-09-12 , DOI: 10.1177/1321103x19869056
Jorge Antonio Durá 1 , Jesús Tejada 1

Ascertaining the most effective modes of presenting rhythmic information to students is extremely important in order to facilitate rhythm training. This study examines the effects of different bimodal presentations of rhythmic information on the discrimination of rhythm patterns by primary school students. A 2 × 2 factorial design was conducted with two variables – audiovisual and audio-textual – each using two levels (static and dynamic). Four experimental conditions were designed: (1) static audiovisual, (2) dynamic audiovisual, (3) static audio-textual and (4) dynamic audio-textual. Data were collected by administering a rhythmic discrimination test to intact classes in second grade (N = 83; 40 boys and 43 girls; 7–8 years old; medium socio-economic level) at two public primary schools from Comunitat Valenciana, Spain. Fourteen rhythmic patterns were presented to each group in each condition. Each pattern was played three consecutive times. The test consisted of comparing the third presentation of each pattern to the first two presentations – thereby exposing the sample pattern – and deciding whether the third was the same or not. The following covariates were measured: age, previous rhythmic skills, musicians in the family environment, out-of-school music studies and grades earned in music school classes during the previous year. The test scores show significant statistical differences between dynamic audiovisual and static audio-textual (g = 1.25), as well as between dynamic audio-textual and static audio-textual (g = .90). Furthermore, the audiovisual presentation mode was superior to its audio-textual counterpart (g = .46) and the findings showed that the dynamic presentations were more effective than the static ones (g = .69). The implications for teaching and learning rhythm are discussed.



确定最有效的向学生呈现节奏信息的方式,对于促进节奏训练非常重要。这项研究探讨了节奏信息的不同双峰表示对小学生节奏模式的歧视的影响。使用两个变量(视听和音频文本)进行了2×2阶乘设计,每个变量使用两个级别(静态和动态)。设计了四个实验条件:(1)静态视听,(2)动态视听,(3)静态视听文本和(4)动态视听文本。通过对二年级的完整班级进行节奏区分测试来收集数据(N= 83; 40个男孩和43个女孩;7-8岁;中等社会经济水平),来自西班牙Comunitat Valenciana的两所公立小学。在每种情况下,向每组展示了14种节奏模式。每个模式连续播放了3次。该测试包括将每个模式的第三个演示与前两个演示进行比较-从而暴露示例模式-并确定第三个演示是否相同。测量了以下协变量:年龄,以前的节奏技巧,家庭环境中的音乐家,校外音乐研究以及上一年在音乐学校课程中获得的成绩。测试成绩显示了动态视听和静态视听文本之间的显着统计差异(g= 1.25),以及介于动态音频文本和静态音频文本之间(g = .90)。此外,视听演示模式优于其视听文本演示模式(g = 0.46),研究结果表明,动态演示比静态演示更有效(g = .69)。讨论了对教学节奏的影响。
